Just In
for The Song of Silence

11/16/2023 c7 Logan
Totally lost me here way to wordy and going class for class was plot Shenanigans neo disappeared and we get it Jaune is deaf. If this was polished you could have gotten the same thing done in like 40K words but this dragged into not entertaining slice of life unfortunately. So off to a new fic
11/15/2023 c5 Logan
I really liked this story. The alternative plot to the cannon is fun all be a little wordy and with a few unnecessary add ons. I feel like it's not gonna get to where I want by the time I get to the end by the basing but seeing a more realistic version of everyone is fun. Hopefully it doesn't fall into a plot obsession though. The romance has been next to none too which is no fun
10/12/2022 c7 PSYCONIG
is he ever going to win a fight?
10/26/2020 c5 Guest
This is a way better start to the RWBY show. Why didn't they start it out like this? The show isn't even meant for kids.
4/11/2019 c1 Minato
I backed out of ur story really soon i got to say. Jaune has the disability of not hearing and usually a fic would emphasise on it in a way that it puts the protagonist at a severe disadvantage.

But in ur fic his disability may as never well existed or even prove disadvantageous towards jaune as the only disadvantage i can see is not being able to listen to a person talking fast ffs.

Dumb fic in my opinion.
7/2/2018 c8 Guest
Is Neo going to come out anytime soon? She and Jaune are the main paring after all.
7/1/2018 c8 Warspite7452
Please keep working hard
7/1/2018 c8 Warspite7452
I have to write a comment so that no one has to see the comment when they start to read the story. I do have to say though is that you were doing a great job of writing. I loved the plot line of jaune and yang saving weiss and the fact that jaune is able to fight even though he is deaf. I hope that when you update that we get to see more of jaune and neo interaction. Its a good thing that jaune can read otherwise he wouldn't be able to communicate with neo
5/25/2018 c2 6SpookyNooodle
I'm a little surprised. Your demeanor on the server seemed to indicate that you'd show disdain towards the same kinda writing I just read.

I'm a little confused about the mechanics of Jaune's hoodie. Why sand off dust from a crystal instead of buying dust itself (unless it's cheaper that way)? Why buy crystals at all if the crystal's advantage comes from being unbroken, only to then break it up by sanding it? When the dust in the threads is used, does the thread disintegrate as well, or are there a bunch of inert threads randomly seen into the hoodie? Dust is a mineral, like sand or any other rock, so how the hell did Jaune get it hot enough to melt with a simple desktop Bunsen burner? Wouldn't temperatures hot enough to melt rock cause massive damage to both Jaune and the hotel room? Or does dust just have a lower melting point?

Obviously, you don't have to answer right away in a PM or something, but I think they're questions you should answer at SOME point?

I'm not sure why, but the exposition about the hoodie and dust weaving felt a little 'show' and not nearly as 'tell', but I have no idea how else you would do it and still get the information across in a timely fashion, unless you wanted to use a flashback.

I'm also a little confused about why Yang came to Jaune instead of, say, her father, for something as deeply personal as the search for Raven must be. I trust there IS a reason, I just didn't catch it.

The dust weaving mechanic is REALLY cool, and I can't wait to see more of it, though I hope you know you can't 'sew' a hoodie. Unless Jaune's Mom also handed him a bunch of cloth, there's not much to sew.

On to the next
5/23/2018 c1 SpookyNooodle
An interesting premise, and I found it really commendable how you held on to the details to avoid any inconsistencies in Jaune's handicap. I don't know what research you did for this fic, but I trust that the constant reminders of Jaune having to face people as they speak will taper off as the audience becomes familiar with the convention.

However, every deaf person I've ever heard speak aloud has sounded slurred, so I'm not sure how Ruby wouldn't have caught on to the fact that there was something different with Jaune as soon as he spoke, unless slurred speech from deaf people is not a ubiquitous occurrence. I've only interacted with two deaf people, so I hardly have extensive experience.

Technicals were fine, but there were occasional pieces of grammar or phrases that were a little confusing. I appreciated the limited usage of 'the' titles, though.

Competent!Jaune and its variations is always something I've personally enjoyed, so I'm looking forward to reading more.
5/16/2018 c8 Millsy74
Don’t know if you are still writing this story but I hope you are! I love it!
3/15/2018 c8 Guest
So are Blake and Weiss going to be a thing in this.
2/24/2018 c8 icemaxprime
So rarely that we get to see a fight from Ren’s pov. Good job.
2/22/2018 c8 3The Impossible Muffin
Yeah, it felt a little weird without Jaune, but too few stories have combat from Ren's point of view, so I liked that!
2/22/2018 c8 2Rubia97
this is wacky in a way I didn't really expect
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