Just In
for Life in other world

5/2/2017 c24 Cptslapem
will you post a chapter that the next story is up?
4/30/2017 c24 EnderLight25
i wanted to continue the story!

please notify me when the second part of the story gets posted... D

also, on Gabriel's part you wrote "Jessica" instead of Leticia
4/23/2017 c23 EnderLight25
I always end up laughing when there are chapters with Giratina and Mew. they are the funniest pair of the series.

please don't tell me they are in Shaymin's flowers...
because that won't end well, will it?
4/23/2017 c23 Cptslapem
"inserts billy hills music at the beginning of chapter"
4/16/2017 c22 EnderLight25
a Gallade in the scene XD
they are one of my favourite pokemon, after Absol of course.

Really liked the chapter BTW, can't wait for more.
4/15/2017 c22 Cptslapem
will there be type stereotypes? i.e. dark types are prone to being quiet,dark, gloomy, killing? or how electric types are somewhat hyper?
4/11/2017 c21 EnderLight25
i like birds too! (specifically, Ravens)
also, Leticia Bloodlust? she's officially one of my favorite characters (after Luke of course ;))

can't wait for the next chapter :)
4/9/2017 c21 Cptslapem
how will you go about pokemon move limits? or will it just turn to brawls with enhanced attacks?
4/3/2017 c20 EnderLight25
Loved that song reference and this chapter.
i really love gyration and mew as a pair, i think they are the funniest pair in the story (i still ship giratina and ryquaza)
4/2/2017 c19 EnderLight25
4/1/2017 c19 1Buddygong
Wow, that was such a great chapter! I really like the part when the nameless character wasn't a part of it all. Hope to see more!
3/25/2017 c1 Buddygong
Wow, just wow. I am very impressed with this whole story so far, it's got a good grasp of characters, it has it's fun moments and sad moments. So far, I cannot lie, Giratina is amazing throughout the story. She gets a good grasp of trying to help and all, but after what happened when Palkia was drunk and spitting out random ships I was doubled over laughing. Though when the true ship was revealed with Giratina and Rayquaza I was like, "You're being so awkward Gira!" Anyways I might as well address the other characters as well. Luke, wow he's trying his best not to be an ass to Matheus, but Matheus has no trust for the guy. In the Matheus's situation I would agree with him, if you had a fear of being killed by someone that you have a suspicion will do it on the time that you're alone with him I'd be scared as well. Mew, Oh my god Mew this situation that you're in is not good at all considering this second time you've come across. The Parents, Illu has to be my favorite considering he's so nice and sincere. Palkia, you should consider rehab. Kidding! Kidding! Anyways I hope to read more of your works as this was amazing. -TheRandom-Roleplayer
3/25/2017 c18 EnderLight25
Really enjoyed the chapter, can't wait to see the rest of this story :P
3/19/2017 c17 EnderLight25
Did that really happen to you?!
Holly f*ck, i'm so sorry that happened to you. Are you ok?

Really enjoyed this chapter, now i'm curious as to who is giratina's crush ;) and as to what will happen next.
3/14/2017 c17 Cptslapem
i know this may not be a review but i hope everything goes well on your end ,im a little confused on the direction of this story but don't, i dont know how to explain
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