Just In
for A Drunken Marriage of Hyperness

5/25/2022 c2 wearedeadpool
sucks you never got around to continuing this story, but hopefully you do eventually.
2/22/2021 c2 Mizugami18
is that it? is there going to be more?
2/1/2021 c1 wearedeadpool
great chapter, good job.
3/10/2020 c2 Jaspers Lalonde
4/19/2019 c2 Spidersauce
. . . After the last time he got drunk and got married . . . He decided to do it again?
Kid that's a sign you need to swear off alcohol until you grow the fuck up.
9/11/2018 c2 2HalloweenJackal0w0
Please continue to write this story, it would be incredible
6/7/2018 c2 lieutenant zoe nightshade
hope you keep going. this is a good story.
3/7/2018 c2 hobo54333
continue please
2/11/2018 c1 3Zen-Aku The Spirit Of The Wolf
"hey" not "hay" and seriously, use a comma
1/2/2018 c2 246vili
Good story so far.
Btw what about the pictures Blake made of Jaune when he was naked? I was half expecting for her (or Yang) to send it to other girls and soon turning poor guy into a "very popular individual" amoung the female students. Then Nora would have her hands filled getting all of the girls away from her man.
11/23/2017 c2 37Starkiller141
Okay, this started generically, but ended beautifully. Was expecting more Pyrrha jealously drama, but the sweet and caring love at the end made up for it.
11/1/2017 c2 7The PhantomHokage
Really great story I hope there will be more soon
10/29/2017 c2 Guest
Continue please
10/28/2017 c2 Guest
9/30/2017 c1 Guest
The summary is kinda weird, you don't have proper punctuation, so when I read it, it comes off as an incredibly flat voice talking without any pauses for commas.
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