Just In
for The Last Time

7/20 c1 Saga0123
This is an exciting story! Love how you wrote both Steph and Ranger. I do hope you come back and finish it one day
10/15/2023 c5 Guest
Stupid incompetent cunt wants to play with the mob.
10/15/2023 c9 Guest
7/18/2023 c9 Guest
Please hurry up and complete this
2/1/2023 c2 bluelake7
I just found this story. It's a fun story line. Do you think you may finish it? Either way, I enjoyed it, Thanks!
6/25/2022 c9 crazed22
Oh no! Grandma Mazur! Love this story line, wonder what Vinnie took, what happened to Grandma, and will Steph broach the question with Ranger about what else he does besides security? Looking forward to the next update. Thank you for sharing your talent!
6/24/2022 c9 Midoric
I love this story. Please write more!
6/4/2022 c1 Guest
Happy you resurrected this story and continuing. Carry on…..please
5/31/2022 c9 debnorm4
Grandma is a bargaining chip!
5/31/2022 c9 Caren47
Thanks for coming back to this story!
5/31/2022 c8 Caren47
I hope Terry appreciates that Ranger and Steph saved her life.
5/31/2022 c3 Caren47
Joe always the jerk and in denial land!
5/31/2022 c9 GarbanzoBeans
You're just one big cliffie after another aren't you? Love this and the update is very welcome. Good thing Stephanie slipped the tracker into Grandma's purse. I wonder if Vito's crew caught up to them.
5/31/2022 c2 Caren47
5/31/2022 c1 Caren47
I like this aalteady
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