Just In
for Shades

7/11/2020 c4 Sri
When are we getting an update?
2/3/2019 c4 nik09
this is good, please come back, I'm curious of the love story of Gruvia :D
9/11/2018 c4 by nay
love this . wait for the next chapter <3
9/5/2017 c4 2caslspirit15
Awwww they're so precious together :) cant wait to see what happens next!
7/8/2017 c4 A.marchiella
7/7/2017 c1 GrayandJuviaFullbuster
I bet you that promise is going to be broken because of Juvia! XD
7/2/2017 c4 Guest
I'm loving where this is going...Poor Gray, I hope he can find it to open up himself to Juvia.

keeping writing! looking forward to your next chapter!
6/29/2017 c4 32Star197
Gruvia is the perfect couple!
6/24/2017 c4 2bewitch u
Yeeeeees ! I was waiting for that chapter, thanks ! And I love how the relation between Juvia and Gray has developped ! I hope Cana will use this video of Gray in the next chapter for blackmailing him, it would be funny. Good luck for the rest :)
6/24/2017 c4 146Liraz D.Nightray
Hi, I'm so glad to have an update!
I have much to say. I love this story because it feels the attraction but at the same time, it looks like Gray evades that, in his way, what I think is IC.
Gray is broken. He is afraid. And he flees from those who can reach his heart. I understand his mourning stages, he is in anger.
And Juvia. She is adorable. I love to imagine how her patience and love will stick to every little bit of his heart. She's going to take care of it.
I notice their attraction and also their broken soul. I loved reading that they are already friends and basically Juvia steals Gray's breath. She is an angel! Gray will love her very much!
6/23/2017 c4 fyriagita
I love where this story is heading. And I am surpised that you start this on my biryhday last year! Why I did not find it back there? Amyway, keep writing!

It's so excited to see juvia and gray will grow attached to each other
3/17/2017 c3 2bewitch u
I love your story, I reaaly hope you will update. I'm French so I can't really tell if you write good, but for me you have a beautiful writing !
3/3/2017 c3 146Liraz D.Nightray
I feel bad for Gray :( I think he should listen to his friends and give himself a chance. But there is a connection with Juvia and the two can be helped!
Thanks for write!
2/3/2017 c2 Katy
Such a lovely story. I love the backgrounds of grey and juvia, looking forward to what you do with them! (Don't be too hard on them lol)
12/30/2016 c1 Guest
Hey! What happened to the other chapter? Did you rewrite this?
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