Just In
for What Kind of Ninja Doesn't Know They're Dead?

4/20/2017 c1 86AlyssaOtaku69
Oh I thought he was really dead. It's good he's not. So did Sasuke really kill Sakura?
1/7/2017 c1 2L YNAL
Lol. Seriously? Naruto makes me laugh. Is there another chapter coming to this? I'd like it if it were to come...
12/25/2016 c1 13Angelic Phantomcrow
I like it, although I feel confused..."
12/21/2016 c1 thisaccoutnisdeletednow
I liked it! I was expecting it to go on more, but I can see it ending there too. Nice job! :)
12/9/2016 c1 Jay
I thought the story was conceptually fascinating and the build-up was fantastic. Absolutely loved it.
12/9/2016 c1 1TKM
Nicely done, great shorty.
12/8/2016 c1 4yukihime88
i guess normal/logical thinking doesn't apply to naruto huh...
12/8/2016 c1 Bubble MaKeRr
This...I don't know what to say aside from I liked it even though it made my brain hurt as well as my heart
12/8/2016 c1 1OofDaboof
Nice, hope you keep writing.

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