Just In
for What the Heart Hides

10/29/2022 c8 1TotallyVocaded
Please don't tell me that's it! If it's not going to be their wedding and travel back to Jamestown where Smith could become a governor (I appreciate the historical touch and the research you did, wow), I'm gonna kill myself xD or maybesit down and write another chapters for your story xD
BTW Rolfe was no diplomat at all, just a farmer and a widower, so him and the sequel.
7/21/2022 c8 Cinnamon
I love this story! I hope you update soon!
5/26/2022 c8 173HC247
I was so excited to see for the update for this, you have no idea.

But Good Lord, I legit want to shake John throughout the entire first half. Dude literally has the girl of his dreams in his house and he's too lost in his own thoughts and fears to realize what's going to happen if he'd just shut up and let it. You wrote it perfectly

I told you think before, but the orange thing was kind of hot and I'm here for it.

And the ending! Freakin flipping finally! Leave it to Pocahontas to get Smith out of his head and down know what, never mind.

Loved it all-definetly worth the wait!

Looking forward to more!
4/15/2022 c1 Eli Grant
omg, this is the best Pocahontas fanfic I've ever found. Trank you for this! And pleasee update, I need to know what happens!
4/11/2022 c8 1typewriter33
I have been hoping you would continue this story! Loving it. Looks like her engagement to Rolfe is off, and she is now engaged to Smith. She never really spoke up and told Rolfe she realized that he took her silence for agreement.
4/9/2022 c8 mrko
Your fanfic is incredibly good!
4/7/2022 c8 15Azalea542
Chapter 8 was hot. I wish it had been marital sex rather than fornication, but at least it was loving. I was also bothered by the idea of John Smith having used the services of whores previously. I'm the kind that prefers both the man and the woman come into their consummation night both being virgins. I realize your way is realistic to human nature, though. But since Smith is a Disney character from a G rated movie, I'd kind of think he didn't have sexual sins in his past.
3/4/2022 c7 1typewriter33
Frankincense, lavender, sandalwood, mmmm ... and the stock Exchange. Love it.
9/5/2021 c7 esverose
I love your fanfic. Please, update!
10/9/2020 c7 13babyb26
Forgive me for taking so long in posting this review, life has been crazy! This is such a wondeful continuation of your story! You already know that I can't wait for the next chapter! I love your story concept and writing! Very well done and I look forward to reading more very soon!
3/8/2020 c7 173HC247
Mhmm'kay lady, you've waited 84 years for this stinking review and your been endlessly patient with me while my life was in shamble the last few weeks, so I hope this makes up for it...

The conversation on the way to the party was really well done. Another session of learning more about each other and cultures-very reminiscent of colors of the winds and the riverbank conversation here.

Alaric might be a new fave, tbh. I love the personality you've given him from the way her observes Smith and Pocahontas's exchanges to his cheeky interruption of their (first) kiss of the evening. I was smiling every time he appeared! I hope you'll keep him around!

speaking of our favorite couple, this chapter really pushed the relationship forward freaking finally, woman! Haha. The dancing to the kiss(es!) and the way you write them is just delicious and I'm loving every moment.
I am curious as to how you'll wrap everything up, but I guess we'll just have to keep reading. Well done!
2/14/2020 c7 Megan Lyle
Wow! This is a awesome, exciting, dramatic, and romantic chapter! Please keep writing.
12/17/2019 c6 Inertia
Hello Sunrise19!
I wanted to start by stating that as a longtime Pocahontas/JS fan I've never bothered scavenging the internet for new fanfiction in years because 1) their presence in the fandom/fanfiction world has decreased since the movie's release back in 1995 and 2) because it is quite hard to come across a 'mature writer' specifically when it comes to movies more children oriented. Myself being a fan in her thirties, I was pleasantly surprised to come across your talent that portrays this passionate couple in such a realistic, believable and 'in character' way. The flow of your writing, descriptions and entertaining dialogue between the characters makes me wish for a Pocahontas III movie with your plot.

I started reading through all of your stories and I must say I definitely noticed how your writing has evolved during the years ( I 100% mean this as a compliment!). I know life is busy and stressful but I would truly appreciate if you would continue on with this story, I'm dying to see what adventures John's Smith plans to bring our dear Pocahontas on. I love how they are somewhat "forced" to keep their love and passion undercover for the sake of obligations and image. It makes their dynamic that much sexier and passionate!

Anyhow, I congratulate you on your admirable talent and creativity, like I said previously, it it such a treat to come across a writer who understands the depths of these characters and bring them to life the way you do ! Bravo!
9/11/2019 c6 HC247
Okay. *cracks knuckles* I have a lot of feelings , so let's get started:

Patricia's greeting was ...interesting. She's certainly bold, isn't she? I feel like her heart was in the right place even if her methods were bit blunt. Then again, if the dress she's wearing is the one we have in the modern portrait, than a., kudos to you for the historical details and b., can't really say I blame Patricia then haha.

Speaking of Patricia, she reminds me a bit of a hyperactive poodle. Like, you can't help but love her and she has a huge heart, but at the same time she's so nervous and jumpy. I have a soft spot for her. Although homegirl clearly has a thing for a certain diplomat. Bless her, she's trying to be cool about it, but she just can't get it together, but the kiss broke her. Poor girl- we've all been there. Still... Maybe lay off the wine for a bit, sweetie.


And the end! He's such a smooth operator, isn't he? I love it.

This whole chapter was great and I need to know what kind of mischief our favorite couple get up to at that other party. Just don't stay out all night, kids. Rolfe's carriage is coming in the morning!

Then again, that might be the opportunity Patricia could use to her advantage. Get it, girl. lol.

Anyway, Great work and I can't wait for more!
9/10/2019 c6 1twillight forever
OK so, I'm getting serious vibes of "Titanic" first-class party vs. third-class party when John Smith says "would you rather stay here and listen to Patricia's laments, or join me at an actual party?" I can't wait to see what his party is like. Are they going to a pub? A country dance? [Jacobean country dances]

Patricia totally loves Rolfe. She was wailing in French, "am I not beautiful?"

And, major props for including the portrait dress that came down to us through history.
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