Just In
for Four in the Attic, One in the Kitchen

6/19/2017 c4 5writing2sirvive
Me likey
6/14/2017 c3 Guest
Poor Camille! I was thinking she would be spared Olivia's abuse. In a way, she has it worse than her siblings. I look forward to reading more chap. You are very talented.
6/12/2017 c3 writing2sirvive
OH, what she gonna do? Awesome update.
P.S. I am a sophomore too so I know how you feel.
5/21/2017 c2 Guest
I enjoyed reading these first two chapters. I hope you update soon! I wish the ghost writer had half of your talent.
5/14/2017 c2 writing2sirvive
Okay this is amazing please continue!
3/25/2017 c1 Alice
Why won't you update? This is really interesting, and I'd like to read it. Keep up the good work!
2/5/2017 c1 Frogger
Tell me more.
1/16/2017 c1 Rayrayrawrs
Looks really good
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