Just In
for HP -The Enforcer interrupt the Leaving Feast at the end of HP & PS

8/10/2017 c6 wolfcathope
Like this story a lot but why did Snape, bully some many students and especially Harry. Is it no wonder why so many refuse to call him Professor?
8/10/2017 c6 100mandancie
Awesome chapter. Please update when you can.
3/11/2017 c1 23Crapounette
Very confusing story. I don't know who is speaking, who are the new characters and what they are doing in the fic. You explain nothing. Sorry, but I quit reading, it's not good.
3/10/2017 c5 197Luiz4200
I used to think I've already seen how low Dumbledore could be portrayed. This chapter has proven me wrong.
3/9/2017 c5 Guest
What a fitting punishment. Let's see what happens next.
3/9/2017 c1 HeartsGlow
The story idea is a good one. However, it is so poorly written that it is almost painful to try to read. PLEASE get a beta.
2/16/2017 c4 elvira scaff
I hope you continue this. I like it :) and it was good to see a pic of the person I have been speaking too over on AO
1/16/2017 c4 Pepperonyfan1982
interesting but there are issues with syntax and grammar.
1/16/2017 c3 Pepperonyfan1982
worser is not a word and I hope Dumbles gets his
1/16/2017 c1 Pepperonyfan1982
this has potential but it would be helpful to have an explanation of who the new characters are.
1/3/2017 c3 Guest
Your sentence structure and verb tenses are horrible, but the story is ok.
1/3/2017 c2 Pepperonyfan1982
ok the first two chapters of this story do not give a very good account of the potential for greatness that it has - I am sorry if this is offensive or hurtful but your syntax and tenses are off big time and it just doesn't flow the way it should, it has potential to be great but right now it's very badly written - so badly written that I cannot justify continuing to read it. I strongly suggest you find yourself a competent beta (tip: be sure to ask your beta when you find one to send you a sample of their writing, that way you'll be able to judge if they're competent or not.)
12/28/2016 c2 6Mary Barrett
I really liked this chapter. Like, a lot, I do hope Severus will take an involvement in Harry's life but that is up to you, that might be out of character. How far are you planning on expanding this one?
12/25/2016 c2 SB
I like that you show a different way to look at the events in canon. Poor Severus and Harry. I hope they can be happy.
12/22/2016 c1 Guest
Seems interesting just make sure u put a new paragraph every time someone new speaks because it's very confusing when all the text is together saying 'character said' every so often doesn't hurt either because sometimes it's confusing as to so is saying what but other that it seems like an interesting concept
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