Just In
for Unusual

2/1/2017 c1 37JaggerK
This is very cute! Someone needs to muffle Drunk!Dick or it won't be a speakeasy for long. LOL
1/29/2017 c1 Iago
this was a good and well written piece, and i love the references to the 1920's which is also one of my favorite eras
12/24/2016 c1 27Boogalee99
This was absolutely amazing! I didn't know I wanted a swinging 20s AU until I read this! Well done!
12/24/2016 c1 5Ryeflight
Thanks for telling me about this Internet Friend. Really good story, especially with the way you incorporated the historical aspects. I think you should add extra chapters, just because I can't think of a reason but please do anyway.

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