Just In
for The Legend of Zelda: Shards of the Rose

12/27/2017 c14 24Generala
... AhhhhhhhhjjHajskdkdid
They... did just kiss . Well Link kiss her and they... Ahhh I think is turn to be happy and relieved that Zelda is back, angry because of the horrible oracles and Zelly baby feeling a failure when she's doing everthing she can then sad becaUse everuthing and then confused because now they are distant because Link kiss her... damn this chap was a rollercoster
12/27/2017 c14 Rooples Pooples1
Congratulations. Your story is really well written and detailed. I am glad that you update regularly, even if it takes a month for an update to come.
12/1/2017 c13 Guest
Zelda still has a lot of growing to do.
11/30/2017 c13 Generala
;n; Zelly baby... she...Link is gonna be pissed and happy and sad. Still watching how is Zelda growing is just incredible. But then the words od Dark Link... man I cant wait to read the next chaptwñer.
11/30/2017 c13 Ripple
Zelda has definitely grown! She's picked up a whole lot of courage, probably from sticking around with Link. She really has better control over herself now. I want to see how this helps her later... keep up the good work!
11/29/2017 c13 James Birdsong
Good nine chapters
11/29/2017 c13 3Supreme Bookworm
Holy that was intense! Great job!
11/29/2017 c13 Lollie.T.M

This chapter, THIS CHAPTER! Oh I'm WOWED!

Before I say anything else I just wanna say Thank you for not calling him "Dark Link" That name is always so funny to me and to see him taken as a serious evil villain and to be called "Dark" just fills me with joy. I've always found Dark to be such an interesting character to write and to read as we know so little about him from the games, and I think your interpretation is my favourite. He's EVIL, malicious, amoral, vile, and incredible. All of the scenes with him and Zelda had me yelling at my screen! And I swear you're in my mind because the scene with him throwing her onto the bed is eerily similar to an idea I had a while ago when trying to write my own fic! In fact your story has inspired me to pick that work back up!

You have inspired me!

Also ZELDA! ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA! I'm so proud of her! she's moving out on her own, she's escaping! she's not going to sit there and let them kill more people! I love her! but I'm terrified of that last line! "Hidden within her shadow" HE'S FOLLOWING HER I KNOW IT!

Keep up the incredible work!

"Do not say I never showed you compassion" I HAD TO STOP READING TO PUNCH THE AIR AND LET OUT A VICTORY YELL!
11/14/2017 c12 1Lollie. T. M
life has been so busy and stressful lately that when I FINALLY had a free second I sat down and started reading this chapter.

And my, what a chapter it was! Where to start? The beginning seems best.

I loved the relationship between Zelda and Naru. It felt so real and so loving, almost like a mother and a child. I especially adore your take/Zelda’s view of the world. That Hylian Women take precedence but are not above the men “a rancher and a king are equal in the goddesses design”

That itself was a beautifully telling line. An almost direct comparison of Link and her Father (it was also one of those lines that made me go “OOOOOOOH”)

I’m bewitched by the way you write Zelda and Link’s relationship. It flows so naturally and so beautifully. It is “Slow Burn” to a T. I swear when the two of them stood nose to nose before the carriage I was screaming “JUST KISS HER YOU FOOL!”

(And don’t get me started on the ending just yet oh man I’m getting there)

The scene in the bar, with Zelda forming the plan to get “captured” had my heart pounding. I could feel how desperate Link was and how scared he was. And when he called her Midna I had to stop reading for a bit to get my heart to calm down.

And moving to the end

I have almost no words. Just muffled sobs and screams of “WHY OH WHY?! HOW COULD YOU?! THAT ENDING?! DEAR GOD!”

The introduction of Dark Link has been something I have been waiting for for MONTHS since I noticed he was a tagged Character (the introduction of Ganondorf was a surprise to me I’ll admit but not an unwelcome one) and Dark Link did not disappoint!

Everything about him was impeccably done! From the slight references to water and the water temple, to the very characterisation itself. Link’s reaction at Zelda’s surrender BROKE MY HEART! And his pleading yells and sheer anger at his doppelgänger’s actions stood on the pieces and ground them into the dust. (Is it weird that I got a slight thrill at Dark Link petulantly defying Link’s order to not touch Zelda by licking her face? Probably? Ah well idc)

Keep up the incredible work! I eagerly await next months update xxx
11/10/2017 c12 13Ultimate blazer
So many feelings with this chapter!
11/7/2017 c12 SweetestChick
Huh I was wondering when we would see Dark! Cool glad to see my fave LOZ villain. He already has some mischief up his sleeve, making Link jelly/angry for licking Zelda like that.

Very nice chapter. Love how you write! Looking forward to the next update!
11/6/2017 c12 Ripple
Your writing is as beautiful as ever! I still can't wait for the next chapter, and I wish you luck with school.
11/5/2017 c11 Ripple
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! It has been over a month and I can wait no longer! Please let me know if you have writer's block or something because I begin to worry for you, my friend.
9/2/2017 c10 Ripple
The point of view reflects the story her because Zelda's internal torment keeps bringing up the past. I wouldn't consider her unbiased, but not a bad source of information. Another great chapter!
8/31/2017 c10 24Generala
I'm liking this story so far. I was very angry tje way Zelda was being treated and how her father used her name to make horrible prohibitions when she was being ban to rule over her kingdom. I'll hope she and Link find a way to deal with their ptsd.
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