Just In
for The Legend of Zelda: Shards of the Rose

6/3/2017 c7 idkanything
That suspense though
6/1/2017 c7 Ollie
6/1/2017 c7 5ChroniclerOfFantasies
Review you say? Honestly I'm not very good at it, I tend to feel like a fool when I do. Like I'm talking about things I know nothing about, but I'll try. I'll just say you've written one of my favorite Zeldas. Especially when you consider it's the twilight princess Zelda. Most who write her have her either terribly depressing or overly happy and out of character. Yet this mixes the two perfectly. She's both the war vet and the blatant virgin that has no idea what to do in the presence of the opposite gender. I have to say the backstory on zeldas parentage is certainly unique. It's always a loving mother and father or just a loving mother with a father who's either antagonistic or irrelevant. I'm assuming Zelda's mom was married to the king (I'm sure you said but I can't leave the page without losing everything I've typed and copy and paste isn't working so...) but whether she was or wasn't doesn't change the fact Zelda's the daughter of a bastard, if not a bastard herself. I've never seen a backstory like this for Zelda before and I absolutely love it. Along with the rest of your story.
5/31/2017 c7 LettieXxX
5/31/2017 c7 Liv-andletdie
I was so excited when this updated I've been waiting for it literally all month (that's not even a joke I was actually counting down the days) and this chapter did not disappoint. I love the scene in the lake and the following scene when Zelda is being bathed. Just the attitudes expressed by the characters feel very real and I adore your writing style. I think that a lot of the time when authors create rules for Hylian nobility it feels very forced or made up for "tension", but it just feels natural and a part of the world shown in the game when you write!

I love the relationship shown between Link and Zelda as well, and I and DYING to know more about Naru! (I also love the idea of Lanayru virgins and the idea of Hylian nuns!)

Just... what else is there to say? I love this fic so much and I wait eagerly for it to update! and when the whole fic is finished I'm gonna read it from the very beginning to enjoy it all over again!

Keep up the amazing work, you're doing great. And have a fun reunion :D
5/31/2017 c7 xXZeldafanXx
5/31/2017 c7 OTM

I Love this fic so much, I love the amount of detail you've put into the religious aspects of it (That's always something I love seeing explored but no one ever does it?) it makes the world feel that much more alive and real and just wow I love it!

keep up the amazing work
5/31/2017 c7 2Ximnah
Oh man, I am in love with this story. Every time I see it at the top of my story alert list, I get super excited because it is quite frankly one of the best stories on this website I've ever read. Your style of writing is very unique and thought-out, and I really appreciate the time and effort you put into perfecting each chapter. The way you portray Zelda is very interesting because you make her seem more human (well, I guess Hylian since she's Hylian... but you know what I mean) and that she has emotions and weaknesses just like everyone else which I think is super important when developing a character. I also like that Link seems very humble and selfless because that's always the way I've imagined him, especially in Twilight Princess. Keep up the good work-I love this story! I can't wait for the next chapter!
5/31/2017 c7 Ripple again
Ok I know you said it would be cool to be all metaphorical and stuff and I want to mention that this is really well written. The way the writing easily slides from Zelda's thoughts to her reality helps give the reader a sense of how she has to struggle simply to keep her mind from reality.
5/31/2017 c7 Rooples Pooples1
I really enjoy this and for a day or two I thought you wouldnt update the story. So glad that you did.
I love the way you describe every scene and it really enhances the story in my honest opinion. Keep on doing what your doing.

Gaaaaaaaaaaaah. Those scenes with Zelda and adorable and fluffly.

And Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...That ending...
5/31/2017 c7 Ripple
5/3/2017 c6 1SunnyAirisu222
*rolls in on a beach ball* Gotta make an entrance. :O
SO HELLO REVIEW/COMMENT SECTION! It’s my first time here, and I see it as extremely opulent… SO! My review for this story is long overdue, so I’m finally here to scream and gush all over it with sunshine and sparkles and everything that makes the world fantastic! :3 BUT! Before I proceed…
If any other reviewers are reading this review (wait… am I the only one who does this?!) then, I’m Sunny! I’m lucky enough to get to beta-read this amazing story a month in advance; so, if there’s ever a typo… IT’S MY FAULT I’M SORRY *bows head*
But it’s so nice to meet you all! And, if you’re reading this extraordinary story and haven’t reviewed yet: MISTER/MISS! YOU BETTER GET ON THAT! Our amazing author Zel DESERVES to hear your feedback! Plus, I want to have a party in the reviews section, and I CRAVE reading others’ reviews… lol
So anyways! Enough blabbing and making myself sound like an even bigger lunatic than I already am. Onto the review! I wanted to do a huge chapter-by-chapter review like the first time I reviewed LnL, but I feel like for now, a general review is best! xD
Firstly, Zel… *strokes screen* I get such a shot of nostalgia every time I visit your story! Your other story was the first story I favorited, first story I reviewed, first author I messaged… Lots of firsts, and now it’s so amazing to be helping you with this one! When I think about how you’ve grown, from LnL 6ish years ago all the way to this brilliant project, the outcome is outstanding. You’ve matured so much as a writer and creator, artfully creating your world and meticulously planning details (I always have the feeling that every scene has a moral or a reason, but it always feels very natural; not at all like if you’re forcing along the plot which is what some authors – including myself – accidently do).
The way the story proceeds is an elegant traipse, littered with rosy shards. That’s literally the feeling I get when I read your prose; a very sinuous, poised progression amidst sparks of excitement that rise up off the page like glacial enthralls. Your words have a very defined ‘POP!’ to them; even the simplest sentences feel textured and multidimensional, but never straining to be more than it should. The pacing is utterly unique, in and of itself! Like, seriously, I have no idea how you do it so spectacularly! OMAGERD TEACH ME PLEASEEEE
Like, every scene NEVER fails to please, packed with detail and rich, sumptuous descriptions that resemble rolling hills kissed by draught. However, you’re never effusive; I never feel like if you’re drawing out the scene too long, never like if ‘ahhhh blehhh I can’t wait for this to be OVERWITH EW’ - I’ve never thought that once while reading your story, because although you maintain an exquisite portrayal, it also moves very quickly. I think of the amount of things you’ve been able to jam into 6 chapters thus far, and it fits so precisely like a puzzle piece. You’ve accomplished many scenes and experiences, but I never felt bored or as if it took a century. You maintain a very realistic, shockingly beautiful ambience of ‘time’ – you take the time to enjoy the scene, to let the reader be transported, but continue onward quickly enough as to never dawdle. It’s exquisite!
The word choices and imageries embodied in the story itself are also so alluring. I LOVE hearing about your thought processes and research when we’re working together, and seeing it all come together so elegantly on the pages is truly a gorgeous sight to behold ;3 The way you tell the story is full of quirk, sass, and grace; even though told in third person, I can hear it almost as if Zelda – or even you, Zel! – are telling the story with an incredibly strong, yet never assuming, cadence. The vocals and alluring sonata which are your chapters make my heart flutter. ;3
WHICH TAKES MEHHHHH TO THE STORY ITSELF! First of all, I’ve learned so much from this story already, both from terminology and canon references! Like, I have the interesting perspective of reading your story with little to no experience with the Zelda world. (when I was younger, I thought Zelda was Link’s name for the longest while xD) HOWEVER! You’ve already taught me so much about the universe, just from reading your story’s content! I feel very lucky to be able to see this world through YOUR lenses; I can understand the characters, the intricate plotlines, and the complexities of the world in such an extraordinary way. Your canon references, flashbacks, and nuances are ON POINT! And they’re everywhere, both hidden and in the open! I love how cohesive your story is with the original franchise. I feel like you have done a breathtaking job, creating this story, and I can tell the time and years and the thought put into creating such a brilliant story as a whole. Between original and fanfic, I can’t see the line; your fanfic surpasses some of the Zelda games, in my eyes! And when I’m beta reading, I’m never wondering “oh, I wonder if it’s accurate…” I’m always exclaiming, “OH MY THAT’S SO ACCURATE!”
The characters are just YES GIRL! YESSSSSSS! : D Zelda, our title character (still melting over Shards of the Rose ;3)… you’ve managed to humanize her so much! Like, I don’t know how much she’s explored in the original game, but I love how much dimension and character you’ve bloomed within her. She’s the princess, bestowed with all virtues from the goddesses, and that struggle to seem perfect amidst serious struggles is both poignant and wonderfully relatable. Her voice is very similar to how I describe your writing; graceful and almost melancholic at times, though dappled with spots of humor that make me unable to contain my laughter. :) You’ve created Zelda to seem almost like a ‘normal’ girl, though you maintain the air of power that is synonymous with her name. The juxta-positioning of Link is SO MUCH OMG YES! He has an innate heroism to him, and I love the way you portray him as almost laconic, being a primarily nonverbal character in all previous games. Link, to me, is somewhat of a blank slate, being a vague protagonist character; but, you’ve filled that empty space with character that is heroic, layered (like a flaky pastry!) and absolutely HEARTTHROB *O*
I also really adore the portrayal of Impaz, definitely one of my absolute favorite characters in the whole thing! She’s that completely amazing elder figure that everyone wishes they have ;3 She reminds me a bit of my mom, which makes me so happy, and it means that Impaz is really relatable! I think (and hope) that everyone has an Impaz in their lives! : D
Your OCs blend seamlessly in with the canons, and I find myself constantly drooling over the characters you’ve so diligently crafted. ALGER! With his fantastic bird-analogies! King Daphnes! Although canon, you’ve given him such life and made such a mischievous antagonist! NARU! She’s the absolutely cutest little girly I’ve ever seen, and her character compliments the other canon children so well and the adults, too! AND SUTTER
MY HUSBANDO *runs and falls into ditch on the way*
I’m not a ghost, I promise! Don’t run awayyyyyyyy T-T
LASTLY BUT NOT LEASTLY, I thoroughly enjoy your portrayal of the characters in the flashbacks, including the brief sparks of Midna. (AND BUG QUEEN LADY AHHHHHHH GIRL YAS YAS YAS)! I cannot wait for more and more and more and this is just absolutely spectacular w
I just want to briefly address the beginning vignette, which I feel like a few of reviewers have spoken about ;3 You know what I always tell you! I think it differentiates your story from all else in the absolutely most vivid way. The style and prose of it resembles classic epic poetry, and it has such a quixotic (as in, romantic) poeticism about it. I think what makes it special is that it’s very mentally meaty. You have to dig deep and read into it and sit for a few minutes and process it for it to make sense. It’s not something you have to rush through; it makes your readers savor the moment, which they should most definitely do! Some mightn’t want to take the time to understand it thoroughly, but I absolutely love it and I think that most (if not all) of your current readers do, too!
The artistry and deftly woven wordsmithing which is this story is like, flabbergasting in the best possible way! I’ll try to figure out a suggestion to leave you, hmmm… I usually discuss suggestions with you right away, but since I can’t just leave a drool-stained review full of my gushing, I shall try to insert something somewhat useful! LOL
SO! The one suggestion I can think of at the moment is more like, an encouragement. I would personally like you to just be mindful of adding in ‘sensory background noise’ (literally a term I just made up), or like, senses of things that mightn’t particularly be at the forefront of one’s perception but is still present in the scene. A good example of this is like, birdsong, or echoes down a hallway; for touch, it could be an unusual texture; for sight, an ordinary detail that’s usually too minor to be mentioned; for smell, an undertone; for taste, another undertone. I’m probably just blabbing now lol BUT! You’ve already done this so well so many times, describing textures and sounds and scenes (my favorite is Link’s grassy smell, which is so unusual but so relevant). You don’t want to overdo the sensory background noise, for too much can make a character seem hypersensitive (which may or may not be aesthetic), though; I don’t think you particularly need to add more, this is essentially me just saying ‘I really enjoy when you do this so please keep up the great work!’
SO YEAH! I could keep going on for hours and hours and hours, but I think that this review is quite long already and I should probably wrap up so I’ll have something to say next time. xD I JUST WANNA SAY, thank you so much for taking the time and energy to share your beautiful creations with us. It’s both brave and incredibly gene
4/28/2017 c6 Rooples Pooples1
Another cliffhanger? Goddammit!
I really love this story and knowing that the next update will be released in a month from now on just makes me sad...
4/7/2017 c5 2AmberPriceBringRachelBack
Wonderful fanfic, greetings brazil.
4/7/2017 c5 25GreenFantasy64
Same here, don't own Breath of Wind. : ) ... :,)
Anyway loved the fic. At first it was confusing in the beginning due to Zelda being referenced as the Rose, Link as the Sun, but at second chapter I got. Man, I feel sorry for Zelda suffering from PSTD and her father and the nobles are making her life miserable rather than help her out! Now just curiosity on when Dark Link is coming into play through not in anytime soon, I think.

Until next time...
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