Just In
for The Legend of Zelda: Shards of the Rose

6/11/2019 c33 Feather
Woa, I'm speechless
I just read your whole story, and I can tell you I'm in love. You write devishly well. It makes you appreciate reading lengthy parts all the more I believe. Anyway, I hope to see more of angry Link in the coming days, because it feels like he accepts anything from Zelda and never retaliates (besides giving her the cold shoulder). And about Zelda, I love her character development. She's far from perfect, and everyone can see it but she perseveres.
Keep going
6/7/2019 c33 24Generala
Well at least Zelda did accept she has a problem. And her childhood well if it wasn't for her grandmother.. it would have been a horrible, shitty childhood.
There was a moment where I thought her grandma may have been unfair to her mother, and maybe some part of her was.. but.. fuck... Fuck.
6/4/2019 c33 kansa
Wow! This chapter was chock a block full of tense moments. When will Zelda come to the realization that she DOES have a drinking problem? Will Link have to leave her first? This is not the second major secret she’s kept from him... and it happens to have the same man involved. I also have a hard time believing Aeshi wouldn’t say anything about it. Looking forward to the next chapter, and hopefully, a bonus chapter!
6/4/2019 c33 Hendrewen
Lovely chapter! I'm happy Zelda told Link that she went to see Harod, the ending of this chapter gave some nice closure. Link is being his sweet self as always. Loved Ilia's dominance, she's got it in her character. Can't wait for more chapters!
6/3/2019 c33 13Ultimate blazer
Zelda's mother was a woman ... complicated, to say the least. I really liked seeing that Ilia continues to maintain her strong character XD

Nice chapter!
6/2/2019 c33 1thelinkmaster001
This story is now my new favorite, it’s always frustrating to start a fanfic without knowing it’s update schedule though.
I am curious, will you be introducing cameo characters from other games? Not in their roles of course, but names, personalities, etc.
6/1/2019 c33 GreenTunic
You will get more than 10 reviews hahaha xD

PD: I wont drink salt water :-)
6/1/2019 c32 Guest
I love the themes you got going, and its nice and satisfying to read a resolution of one of them (let's hope the underlying one too). Believe me when I say that you write really well and hope this isn't it.
6/1/2019 c33 2Oracle of Hylia
Good to know Zelda worked through the stuff with her family. Hopefully she'll get over her drinking problem soon too
6/1/2019 c32 Guest
Beautiful chapter! Stopped everything to read it. It was nice to see the start of the end of Zelda' s drinking problem...maybe? But yay they found the song! Can't wait for the next!
5/25/2019 c1 Guest
When you refer to the "serpent", who is he? Dark Link, Zant, Ganondorf? Or someone else entirely?
5/23/2019 c32 Guest
Oh how I’ve missed this story! Life has been crazy and reading for pleasure had to be put on hold. Love this chapter! The memory walking is perfect! Really loving it. Hoping we get to see Prince Desperate in person again soon. He makes me laugh. Thank you for the update and am looking forward to the next one!
5/3/2019 c32 24Generala
Crap... I'll hope Zelda does not get far more deep in her problem. Fuck...
5/1/2019 c32 4pat4pat
Great chapter! The memories are so moving and it’s sad to see Zelda slowly traveling down a path her mother did, too (alcoholic too I’m guessing?)
And I love how their relationship is growing! A jealous Link is a cute Link ;)
Btw, is Dark Link still around? I couldn’t recall if he was like possessing her or haunting her?
Can’t wait for the next chapter! :)
5/1/2019 c32 13Ultimate blazer
Mother of the year indeed (sarcasm).
Dinaria is a little I want a game with Link and little Ganon as his sidekick XD

Zelda needs help cause his problems are going to be worse.
The plot thickens! XD

Nice chapter!
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