Just In
for The Legend of Zelda: Shards of the Rose

4/7/2019 c31 4pat4pat
What an amazing & creative story! Love the continuation from Twilight Princess, and the use of locations & characters. Your writing style & the flow of your work is done very well. And it’s an interesting “triangle” with Zelda, Link & Dark; very enjoyable twist alongside your plot. Amazing job with your continuation of the story & the creativity and usage of such dark themes & elements.
4/7/2019 c31 SweetestChick
Nice update! And the ending is setting up for some major suspense! Ah I'm looking forward to it! No doubt Dark may try to take advantage.

Thank you for updating my dear!
4/3/2019 c31 kansa
Praying for your teeth. I’ve been there. (Ouch) That princeling is funny! I can see him getting himself killed while trying to woo Zelda. Lol. Glad our favorite couple is back together. Things seem hopeful when they are. Looking forward to the dream walking! I’m going to have to go back and refresh my memory on why is so dangerous though.
4/2/2019 c31 24Generala
Oww.. Been there. It would be painful to eat. Don!t worry it will pass.
Now... I don't know about his prince. He sounds like a pain in the ass. I don't see how Dark Link would use him. At least Link and Zelda are in better terms but... Zelda's problem is well that a problem.
4/2/2019 c31 13Ultimate blazer
Something tells me that darker times are coming cause yes...
And prince Harold is...well, he is someone indeed Lol

Nice chapter!
4/1/2019 c31 Oracle of Hylia
Sorry about your teeth I know the feeling
3/14/2019 c25 10Nemoskull
ugh. alot of pointless drama, and now a deus ex machina? adding in alot of random stuff with no forshadowing at all. feels like this is devolving in to a 'but wait, theres more!' mixed with random plot pages from other stories.
the base problem here is a lack of a plot. idea are simply dismissed mid way through execution, only to be changed, throw in some over the top written drama that doesnt advance the plot or really add anything to the story, and then back to some force grey morality.
this isnt a writing problem, its a storytelling problem.
3/14/2019 c22 Nemoskull
3/14/2019 c21 Nemoskull
ah yes, the dream sequence. or how to burn 40k words on something that does nothing to advance the story.
3/14/2019 c12 Nemoskull
the writing is disjointed. i end up re reading paragraphs becuase it feels like there are alot of transitions scenes missing.
3/2/2019 c30 13Ultimate blazer
It seems that you really love to make her suffer, LOL. I'm glad to see that Link and Zelda have been honest with each other despite the final result. I hope they can fix things between them.

It hurts me to see Zelda so broken but in the context that you have created it makes a lot of sense.

Nice chapter!

P.S: Poor Naru, he just became a teenager and that always hurts.
3/2/2019 c30 24Generala
And shit keeps hitting the fan. Poor Link... I mean Zelda didn't tell him about the engagement. He got hurt and at the same time he wants to help her... and for Zelda being sober is becoming a hell to bear. :(
3/2/2019 c30 kansa
Excellent chapter! Personality flaws? Link was naive Zelda is weak, and getting weaker. People deserting, getting slapped, alcoholic, she lied big time, and has virtually no say in her council. She was more respected by the Gerudo than the Hylians. I think another Dark Link Bootcamp is in order. Looking forward to the next chapter!
3/2/2019 c8 3Emocean
Wow, that sure is something.
2/4/2019 c29 kansa
Holy cow! What a mess! Poor Link. But he will come back to Zelda, he always does. What will be Alger’s punishment? The court can’t keep playing Zelda the way they have. And the soldiers should be hunted down for deserting. Looking forward to the next chapter!
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