Just In
for The Legend of Zelda: Shards of the Rose

12/2/2018 c26 13Ultimate blazer
Another nice chapter! It's very interesting to know more about the gerudo. I wonder what they will think if they know that Link kill

I can't wait to read the next, good luck!
12/1/2018 c26 kansa
I’ve always liked the Gerudo in the realm of Zelda. Will there be more of them in this story? Also never picked up on “dorf” being a royal title. Is that canon?! If not I like it. I’m also looking forward to meeting Din!
11/23/2018 c25 GrumpyShaman
I'm loving every chapter.
11/1/2018 c25 Ultimate blazer
I think you have done well in redeeming the king in a certain way. He has been an idiot until the end but at least a sincere idiot who has tried to leave something good for his daughter.

I look forward to them finding Din soon to know what it is like.

Nice chapter!
11/1/2018 c25 Jpeepers
This still remains to be one of my favorite stories. Thank you for another amazing chapter.
11/1/2018 c25 24Generala
I felt sad when I realized he died. I couldn't stop hearing this song in my head, Helvegen. Specially the first part 'Who shall sing me, into death-sleep sling me. When I walk the path of death'. At the end he was just a sad man. A pitiful man that could never understood his own emotions. And now I'm worrying over Zelda developing an adiction... :( Man. You know how to give us a roller coater of emotions
10/13/2018 c24 kansa
Poor Illia. That was a sucky chapter. Good... but sucky. Glad that greaseball got what he deserved though! Looking forward to the next chapter.
10/4/2018 c24 Generala
Ohnooo come on... :c why?
9/30/2018 c24 Guest
Wonderful work! Another amazing chapter! Thanks for this.
9/30/2018 c24 Ultimate blazer
I forget to say i want more of Ashei and Shad! They are too cute together!
9/30/2018 c24 13Ultimate blazer
Another intriguing chapter of Detective Zelda!
And I was thinking all this time that the criminal was the butler XD

The scene of Link and Zelda has been ... I cant say, too many feelings XD

At last the traitor has been revealed but the price has been high. Poor Ilia, nobody deserves to go through that. Lord Omar's punishment has been ... poetic. I am more of the superhero style (locking up the villain) but in that context and time I would say that Zelda has been even too pious.

Now they have to find Din and save Hyrule again.

Good chapter!
9/30/2018 c24 1AxelDrevbon
I haven't had a fanfiction I've loved so much more than this one. The romance is on point, the story is interesting, character growth is well paced, etc. I can't wait for the next chapter, and many more after that depending on how long its goes on for Haha. Another great chapter, keep up the good work!
9/16/2018 c23 Erin
this story is so good! ive been binge reading all of it for the past day. i definitely enjoy your writing, i like the creative flow and metaphor you use. And i find you have great accuracy at depicting "warriors heart" ;). i was worried there wasnt going to be much zelink romance in this but im glad its picked up more! cant wait for the next chapter :) excellent!
9/8/2018 c23 24Generala
Man... this is getting more and more confusing. I fear Dark Link and that voice inside Zelda's head... I'll hope She talking to Link would help a little. She has so many guilts and scars, emotionally speaking.
Those are difficult.
Well. ok
So aside from Zelink ship.. I'll call for Shad Ashei... I think they could be a nice couple. :3
9/8/2018 c23 Guest
I just love this story so much. Thank you for your hard work. I look forward to next months post.
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