Just In
for That Could Have Been Me

11/3/2024 c2 Guest
Are you gonna keep going on this story
9/21/2024 c2 Takemito
10/30/2021 c1 15jamiehernandez8888
Please finish! This is really good! I love it!
6/30/2021 c2 Guest
Hi! You probably won't see this, but I wanted to tell you that I love you stories!Finally Belonging is my favorite so far! "That could have been me" is a close second. Also, I saw that it was a while since you last updated this story. You are probably busy. If you don't mind me by asking, when you do get back to this one, how many chapters long do you plan this story being?
Thank you for your time, have a wonderful rest of your day! ️
3/28/2020 c2 Guest
When is the next one?
12/4/2019 c2 Ikol
6/27/2019 c2 Guest
Oh my god I am REALLY hoping that you continue this soon.
1/9/2018 c1 Guest
Pleeeeeeease update already! I really want to see the big revelation when they all figure out the difference in their pasts!
8/15/2017 c2 Guest
Please update soon!
5/16/2017 c1 Rhyfedd
Magic has ruined their reasoning. If magic wasnt a thing, im pretty sure the idea of alternate worlds wouldve been brought up by now.
3/27/2017 c2 Guest
I like the chapter a lot!
3/25/2017 c2 14Lunapok
Yaaay this was an awesome chapter, though as soon as it ended I was begging for more -u-
3/25/2017 c2 8Home3
*dances* SOOPER HAPPY YOU POSTED YAY! I really like this story, keep it up!
3/24/2017 c2 3fastreader12
Woohoo! An update! Thank you!
Of course Thor and MCU Tony would go and mess things up (even though it's mostly out of ignorance...).
I cannot wait for the next one, whenever that shall be. :)
3/24/2017 c2 4thephoenixandthedragon4ever
Dictator Loki should stay in this AU but maybe give him to Doctor Strange. He can make him do the Buddhist meditation and such, which would help him get over his anger and current arseholeness. No one deserves to be handed over to any Asgard or better called Assguard. Plus Xavier is going to be busy with Gentle Lok and his tortured animal children, so he has no time for Arsehole Loki.
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