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for Coconut Trees

4/3/2017 c2 Anotherguest
I dont know how often I already read those 2 chapters just to have them fresh in mind in case you upload the next chapter, so I dont have to reread them then and can directly start the new chapter I am so desperately waiting for. You are a great writer and I really hope you continue this amazing story (soon? )!
4/2/2017 c1 Guest
Please I'm desperate for you to finish this brilliant story!
3/29/2017 c2 Guest
You're the best fanfic writer I've ever had the pleasure of reading.
I LOVED Alaska, and I'm loving this story so far. The way you introduce the characters' relationships is very unique and it keeps me on my toes.
Never stop writing!
3/28/2017 c2 7Lizzie Paige
I'm loving this, you've got me hooked and I'm hoping you continue soon :)
3/28/2017 c1 Lizzie Paige
I have come over from a Twilight fanfic, but I certainly wouldn't ignore a Pride and Prejudice story, it is after all my most favourite book and your Twilight fanfics are amongst my most favourites, particularly Alaska, so a match in heaven here I think!
I loved the start of this, I'm intrigued to know their backstory...reading on :)
3/19/2017 c2 farfalla818
I'm hooked! This is a fantastic start! So please keep going!
3/16/2017 c2 ExBficLover
Wow! I mostly read twilight fanfic. But huge fan of pride and prejudice. And I would read anything you write! So I am in. Can't wait for the next update!
3/14/2017 c2 Devil'sAssistant
This is seriously such a good find! I got used to reading fluff darcy/elizabeth fics so this is such a gem. This genre is more my type. How their love strengthens while overcoming literally life and death situations! You write so well too! Please keep up the good work and update soon! We'll be waiting!
3/9/2017 c2 RembrandtToken
Great story. Can't wait to read more. How in the heck are they gonna get outta this? Can't wait to find out the back story to Lizzy and Darcy too.
3/8/2017 c1 Guest
Wow! I have a good feeling that this will be a phenomenal story... Please don't keep us waiting long. (:
3/7/2017 c2 Ineedaname
Please update soon!
2/22/2017 c2 Anotherguest
...we are still waiting for an update...PLEASE! !
2/16/2017 c2 Iridis03
Amazing story! I didn't even realise that I was holding my breath while reading those two chapters, I'm so worried for darcy and will someone come in their rescue? I can't wait to see what is going to happen next!
2/12/2017 c2 CGinny
This story seems really good and interesting, nothing I have read before! Please, continue writing and updating it!
2/8/2017 c2 Guest
I really am enjoying this story please continue it soon. :)
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