Just In
for Coconut Trees

1/3/2017 c2 1Vagabonda
Being in a plane crash - truly a worst fear. Thank you for writing.
1/3/2017 c2 2Sunflower Fran
Wow, they certainly all sprang into action when needed.
1/3/2017 c2 Shamatt0403
Wickham. I could totally imagine Darcy greeting Wickham like Seinfeld greeted Newman.
1/3/2017 c1 1Vagabonda
So, so good. Thank you for this treat.
1/3/2017 c1 Likeisaid
Love it. can't wait for more :)
1/3/2017 c2 Eeyorefan12
After my tentative start yesterday, I am fully in love with the story. I'm a little amazed at how easily I have switched into Darcy and Elizabeth mode but I've always been a fan of both and have no problem picturing them in modern-day in this situation. It was fun to see the other character names pop up and Kitty is actually helpful! What a pleasant surprise! ( I loved it when she slapped Reverend Collins- something we all would have loved to do both in the books and in your story.) LOL
1/3/2017 c2 Mstron2
Great story! Thanks for not makkng us wait too long. Can't wait for the next!
1/3/2017 c2 1movieandbookgirl
Damn you're good! Lol. That was incredibly visual and I felt cold just reading it. I am anxious for everyone on that plane right now!
1/3/2017 c2 1nanciellen
Dear what a horror. And Wickham is there to top things off. Great story. Thank you.
1/3/2017 c2 4justafan2111
Typical Wickham, he has military training and doesn't volunteer to help.
1/3/2017 c2 debslmac
1/3/2017 c2 AnakinSmom
I'm exhausted and shivering just reading this!
1/3/2017 c2 misslin123
intriguing start!looking forward for more
1/3/2017 c2 EllieMasen
Absolutely love it. Can't wait for more!
1/3/2017 c1 1nanciellen
What an exciting story. This is great. Thank you.
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