11/20/2021 c5 DimmDimms
Gah! I suspected the knock was not a rescue but hoped I was wrong! What an awful way for Elizabeth to meet Darcy! How DID they start dating?
Gah! I suspected the knock was not a rescue but hoped I was wrong! What an awful way for Elizabeth to meet Darcy! How DID they start dating?
11/20/2021 c2 simplynothingtosay
Found you through Twilight. Staying for PridePrejudice. This is so good. My new drop everything to read. Will catch up this weekend. Delighted to find you!
Found you through Twilight. Staying for PridePrejudice. This is so good. My new drop everything to read. Will catch up this weekend. Delighted to find you!
11/20/2021 c5 6Windchimed
I both loved and was saddened by Elizabeth's background in this story. Different learning styles are absolutely normal, particularly among gifted individuals, and it's terrible when kids don't get the support they need to thrive because their brightness in one area makes people minimize their legitimate struggles in another area. My son is twice exceptional like that, and it took a lot of testing (at our expense), self-education, and pushing to get his school to work with his two types of dyslexia and not just hold him back a grade. I hope your story reaches a lot of people who need to hear it, both for their own sakes and for the way they treat others.
I both loved and was saddened by Elizabeth's background in this story. Different learning styles are absolutely normal, particularly among gifted individuals, and it's terrible when kids don't get the support they need to thrive because their brightness in one area makes people minimize their legitimate struggles in another area. My son is twice exceptional like that, and it took a lot of testing (at our expense), self-education, and pushing to get his school to work with his two types of dyslexia and not just hold him back a grade. I hope your story reaches a lot of people who need to hear it, both for their own sakes and for the way they treat others.
11/20/2021 c5 Saralee
This is a twist, how Lizzy must have struggled against her family’s egotistical attitude toward her dyslexia.
This is a twist, how Lizzy must have struggled against her family’s egotistical attitude toward her dyslexia.
11/20/2021 c5 EmlynMara
Actually I did catch on. The thought definitely crossed my mind in the discussion of her career path vs. those of her family, and her less than stellar exam results. Shame on the school system for not ferreting that out or meeting her needs. One more who fell through the cracks. Probably also a generational issue, in more ways than one. I just failed to put all the pieces together, or even catch all the pieces.
Actually I did catch on. The thought definitely crossed my mind in the discussion of her career path vs. those of her family, and her less than stellar exam results. Shame on the school system for not ferreting that out or meeting her needs. One more who fell through the cracks. Probably also a generational issue, in more ways than one. I just failed to put all the pieces together, or even catch all the pieces.
11/20/2021 c5 2EmlynMara
Oh my goodness. I never caught on. Blast it. Either you put that in so subtly, or there is so much else going on that I was distracted. I have two of them. Brilliant, but frustrated, and not convinced they measure up. Interesting non denial of their relationship, and even perpetuating the myth. Incredibly rough beginning, but also very revealing. He must completely hate himself now, especially being in the medical profession. Why do I have the feeling these two pieces of information are going to become significant - the drugs and the reversals? I desperately hope Kitty makes it through.
Oh my goodness. I never caught on. Blast it. Either you put that in so subtly, or there is so much else going on that I was distracted. I have two of them. Brilliant, but frustrated, and not convinced they measure up. Interesting non denial of their relationship, and even perpetuating the myth. Incredibly rough beginning, but also very revealing. He must completely hate himself now, especially being in the medical profession. Why do I have the feeling these two pieces of information are going to become significant - the drugs and the reversals? I desperately hope Kitty makes it through.
11/20/2021 c5 24Ms Pimprenelle
At this point, surely, Help must be aware of their position, what with transponders and black boxes signals and all... surely they’re only waiting for the weather to calm to be on their way (though there’s a chance that theybassume everyone is dead, so... maybe useful help will wait a little more). I do wonder whether the newcomer will be able to shed some light on anything.
Poor Elizabeth, feeling that she had to hide her disability to not be thought ”less” - and yay, Kitty!
Really hoping that Darcy clarifies that he does find her brilliant (and urgh, her family).
Sorry for the rambling. Loving this story (even thpugh one needs blankets and hot cocoa at hand because - cold!).
The food situation in the plane does have me a little worried, particularly if the rescue team thinks there’s no way for survivors to still be alive, so why rush...
At this point, surely, Help must be aware of their position, what with transponders and black boxes signals and all... surely they’re only waiting for the weather to calm to be on their way (though there’s a chance that theybassume everyone is dead, so... maybe useful help will wait a little more). I do wonder whether the newcomer will be able to shed some light on anything.
Poor Elizabeth, feeling that she had to hide her disability to not be thought ”less” - and yay, Kitty!
Really hoping that Darcy clarifies that he does find her brilliant (and urgh, her family).
Sorry for the rambling. Loving this story (even thpugh one needs blankets and hot cocoa at hand because - cold!).
The food situation in the plane does have me a little worried, particularly if the rescue team thinks there’s no way for survivors to still be alive, so why rush...
11/19/2021 c4 RHALiz
Wow...A Darcy who is a Doctor who insulted Elizabeth from the get go, knew her for 4 months and dated her for 2, obviously slept with her and was Oblivious of Elizabeth's being a dyslexic?
Seriously... how and WHY did Elizabeth even with him then and now? Sex That good? Obviously is all lust on Darcy's part more than love because being a doctor , one thing is paramount is also being observant... yes they say love is Blind, deaf and mute but still seeing, dating, knowing , sleeping with someone for 2-4 months, where of course in the beginning, you spent so much time with...the honeymoon period, so to speak And he still oblivious of this issue, a bit of a stretch... Yes he Might not spend to much time with her, being a Doctor. Yes his lust clouded his mind. Yes, Elizabeth That good at hiding things and not comfortable to talk about it. Yes, 4 months is a short time to know someone... Still didn't Elizabeth trust him enough to tell him? All I can say is Elizabeth must have a Big crush on him to ignore the important stuffs in a relationship. As for Darcy, no excuse being that blur...but like I said sex and lust must be that all powerful for him not to pick up on Elizabeth's issues...
Sad sad really because it seems Elizabeth , yes have a big inferiority complex on this issues, because she didn't brooch the matter with Darcy... she's sees herself as less of a person and a whole lot of other issues... With her family also denying this fact, yes, she hides it but Darcy not seeing it... idk...Lust is blind, deaf and mute is definitely Real...
And his mother died a few months after they broke up...how did he hide from his mom when Elizabeth did not visit, even once, months on end? Wouldn't it be weird your girlfriend who is known to your mom didn't even say hi when your mom is sick? Is he that angry after the break up that knowing Elizabeth and his mom is known and maybe close to each other, that he didn't tell Elizabeth when his mom got sick and dying... where is his compassion? His anger, denial, arrogance, being busy to save his mom, sadness must be great after the break up...What happened?
So many things, so many questions ...but the thing I see is that Elizabeth feels more and diminished at the end of that relationship. Darcy doesn't inform her about his mom dying shows also how mature he is, how he doesn't even respect Elizabeth to tell her...his mom being sick and dying and not letting Elizabeth know to give a chance to say goodbye is , to me, a big no no...no matter the anger, the denial, d busy with stuffs things, some things must be done and he should have done so...so very sad, very sad...
Yes, this is a tirade that I didn't want to say about the last and current chapters , hence I was quiet for a bit while... but this new info and the way they started it all just provoke so many issues... Hence , KUDOS! For writing very thought and feelings provoking chapters... high angst Indeed this story...Hope there will be a middle ground...
Thank you for exciting chapters in more ways than one! Please take care and stay safe!
Wow...A Darcy who is a Doctor who insulted Elizabeth from the get go, knew her for 4 months and dated her for 2, obviously slept with her and was Oblivious of Elizabeth's being a dyslexic?
Seriously... how and WHY did Elizabeth even with him then and now? Sex That good? Obviously is all lust on Darcy's part more than love because being a doctor , one thing is paramount is also being observant... yes they say love is Blind, deaf and mute but still seeing, dating, knowing , sleeping with someone for 2-4 months, where of course in the beginning, you spent so much time with...the honeymoon period, so to speak And he still oblivious of this issue, a bit of a stretch... Yes he Might not spend to much time with her, being a Doctor. Yes his lust clouded his mind. Yes, Elizabeth That good at hiding things and not comfortable to talk about it. Yes, 4 months is a short time to know someone... Still didn't Elizabeth trust him enough to tell him? All I can say is Elizabeth must have a Big crush on him to ignore the important stuffs in a relationship. As for Darcy, no excuse being that blur...but like I said sex and lust must be that all powerful for him not to pick up on Elizabeth's issues...
Sad sad really because it seems Elizabeth , yes have a big inferiority complex on this issues, because she didn't brooch the matter with Darcy... she's sees herself as less of a person and a whole lot of other issues... With her family also denying this fact, yes, she hides it but Darcy not seeing it... idk...Lust is blind, deaf and mute is definitely Real...
And his mother died a few months after they broke up...how did he hide from his mom when Elizabeth did not visit, even once, months on end? Wouldn't it be weird your girlfriend who is known to your mom didn't even say hi when your mom is sick? Is he that angry after the break up that knowing Elizabeth and his mom is known and maybe close to each other, that he didn't tell Elizabeth when his mom got sick and dying... where is his compassion? His anger, denial, arrogance, being busy to save his mom, sadness must be great after the break up...What happened?
So many things, so many questions ...but the thing I see is that Elizabeth feels more and diminished at the end of that relationship. Darcy doesn't inform her about his mom dying shows also how mature he is, how he doesn't even respect Elizabeth to tell her...his mom being sick and dying and not letting Elizabeth know to give a chance to say goodbye is , to me, a big no no...no matter the anger, the denial, d busy with stuffs things, some things must be done and he should have done so...so very sad, very sad...
Yes, this is a tirade that I didn't want to say about the last and current chapters , hence I was quiet for a bit while... but this new info and the way they started it all just provoke so many issues... Hence , KUDOS! For writing very thought and feelings provoking chapters... high angst Indeed this story...Hope there will be a middle ground...
Thank you for exciting chapters in more ways than one! Please take care and stay safe!
11/19/2021 c5 Moltz
No wonder Darcy questioned Elizabeth's decision to go out with him. He did not make a very good first impression.
No wonder Darcy questioned Elizabeth's decision to go out with him. He did not make a very good first impression.
11/19/2021 c5 Guest
Could the whole accident be a dream ? and he will wake up next to Elizabeth still in the air ?
I love your story so much
Could the whole accident be a dream ? and he will wake up next to Elizabeth still in the air ?
I love your story so much
11/19/2021 c5 bon123
Wow, now I'm curious to know why she agreed to date him, as well.
I cann't even begin to fathom how frustrating it is to suffer from dyslexia, especially while growing up (and even date) by being surrounded by a bunch of pretentious, over achivers, academics a**holes. This revelation, by Kitty the awesome, was definitely a huge (and quite deserved) blow to Darcy's conscience. Elizabeth is a saint. Now don't get me wrong, though. I can see that Darcy is a good person. He has proven it with his actions under these horrific conditions. I also believe Elizabeth is a smart enough woman to make a right judgment on his character when she became his girlfriend. That said, untill more of their past will be revealed, I'm bound to feel some resentment toward him and warm compassion towards her, what with all the bits and pieces that are being revealed from their past.
Love it! Thank you.
Wow, now I'm curious to know why she agreed to date him, as well.
I cann't even begin to fathom how frustrating it is to suffer from dyslexia, especially while growing up (and even date) by being surrounded by a bunch of pretentious, over achivers, academics a**holes. This revelation, by Kitty the awesome, was definitely a huge (and quite deserved) blow to Darcy's conscience. Elizabeth is a saint. Now don't get me wrong, though. I can see that Darcy is a good person. He has proven it with his actions under these horrific conditions. I also believe Elizabeth is a smart enough woman to make a right judgment on his character when she became his girlfriend. That said, untill more of their past will be revealed, I'm bound to feel some resentment toward him and warm compassion towards her, what with all the bits and pieces that are being revealed from their past.
Love it! Thank you.