Just In
for Coconut Trees

11/7/2021 c2 RHALiz
Thank you for this update! When I received the message , I, honestly jump ! I rarely read modern ones but your story...this particular one just ... no words to actually describe the feeling but I'm really really glad for this continuation.. Thank you..

Please take care and stay safe!

11/7/2021 c3 Jaime
This might be my favorite fic so far. My headcanon is that Darcy insulted her intelligence when he first met her. In P&P Lizzy took offense to the beauty remark because she was always told she was nothing to her sister Jane. Here it seems she’s most sensitive about her brains. So in my head he insulted her by saying something along the lines of “she may be beautiful but girls like her rely on their looks instead of brains”
11/7/2021 c3 13archy12
This story is written so well, it completely pulls me in, making me feel I am one of the passengers in the ill-fated plane.
I reread the earlier chapters as I had forgotten some details, and I remembered my husband had visited Kamchatka a few years ago. It's at the very edge of Russia, isn't it?
What were both of them doing in China anyway?
Wow, Elizabeth is the black sheep (academically speaking) of the family? Somehow, I hadn't expected that. Of course, college isn't for everyone, neither is it necessary for chasing your dreams.
Interesting, how she rehearsed for this situation all her life.
So, leaving the plane seems to be out of question. I can only hope they are found and rescued soon.
Looking forward to the next chapter!
11/7/2021 c3 LoveInTheBattleField
Good chapter
11/7/2021 c3 Guest
Wow. Almost a 5 year long hiatus and you actually return. Good. Don’t do it again.
11/7/2021 c3 dpennell007
It looks like Elizabeth's little game with her father is going to come in very handy. Thank you for sharing the wonderful reason for your delay in updating. My little bio sentence on my twitter is - I Love love! - and I DO!
11/7/2021 c3 52old4fanfic
Welcome back to the plane
11/7/2021 c3 JZ56
I’m so glad and excited you are continuing this story! I can’t wait to see how everything will unfold
11/7/2021 c3 Guest
Welcome back! Enjoying this story. Saw that it's rated M; I enjoy how all your stories have a Darcy that has only been with Elizabeth, and I hope this one is like that too. There are not enough modern stories like that!
11/7/2021 c3 Mooah
What an absolutely wonderful surprise! I'm ecstatic to see this continue. Even more pleased to read that Darcy survived (what seemed like) the never ending night. Obviously, this story is going to be fraught with stress and devastation but I still can't help but be super excited to read more. Thanks ever so for coming back to it and sharing! (:
11/7/2021 c3 10SqueakyDolphin6
I had completely forgotten about this story, but I'm glad to see it again, and I'm definitely here for the ride!
11/7/2021 c3 24Ms Pimprenelle
Thank you for the update! I had been thinking about this story, and nearly squealed when I saw the new chapter. :-)
11/7/2021 c3 ashiana
Thank you for the update. Loved it as always..
11/7/2021 c3 WhimsyMom
Thank you so much for returning to this story! I always thought it had a lot of potential. The new chapter is great. More please.
10/30/2021 c2 Pathg
Hi Anton,

By a lucky chance I found your story "A wicked, white cravat" (which I really enjoyed) and have been exploring your other P&P fanfic. You are very talented. Thank you for sharing your stories with us. Do you plan to finish this story? I do hope so.

many thanks,
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