Just In
for The Villain Wrangler

11/29/2022 c34 1CygnusFang
Glad you didn't die! Great chapter as always.
11/29/2022 c34 DeathCrawler
glad to see this updated and look forward the next chapters
11/29/2022 c34 3LongNightDragon
Good chapter, nice to know you're still alive and still continuing this story.
11/29/2022 c34 8Happygoluckymegami
I swear, just coming back to read this, always makes me feel better.

also, I was not aware that people thought you were dead, I figured you were just really busy. but then again, I haven't wrote a fanfic in probably 2 years now, so my viewers probably think I am.

I should get to that.
11/29/2022 c34 myafroatemydog
Pretty good chapter
11/29/2022 c34 1Verdauga
11/29/2022 c34 myafroatemydog
Pretty good chapter
11/29/2022 c34 Wonderland-fae
First - I'm glad you are ok...Second - so very happy you've updated this since I check back at least once a week to see if there's an update.
11/29/2022 c34 Valiryo
Oh hey welcome back and congrats on graduating!
11/29/2022 c34 TegwenielWestwind
Glad you're alive. Thank you for writing.
11/29/2022 c34 Daddy's HQxx
ooooohhhhh I really hate Batsy! still loved this chapter though!
11/29/2022 c34 PasiveNox
nice cha[ter
11/29/2022 c34 Terracotta Tortilla
Great chapter. Kind of funny how quickly he clocked Clark as being Superman.
11/29/2022 c34 l4w
Honestly, it is about time that the 'Villain Wrangler' brought a hero to a child.
Thanks for more of this awesome story
Be well
11/29/2022 c34 oddhack
I'm not saying Danny and MM shouldn't or couldn't use a personal mobility device during their conversation, but I'm pretty sure that should read "segued into discussing" :-)
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