Just In
for The Villain Wrangler

7/31 c1 admiralkizaru15
Awesome man.
7/25 c2 Sancus the inquisitive
I don’t think the flash would react this way.
7/16 c5 Homosapien man
I just love how bat shit insane Danny is the man just calls someone up is likeHey, looking to find some guy named Darkside, know where i can reach him?"
7/9 c34 ManticoreBlues
i Hope to see this continued this is an amazing fanfic and im kinda devastated to have reached the of it so soon after starting my binge of it<3
7/8 c34 High Daemon Lord
This is one of the best fanfics I have read in a long time. I have read it at least a dozen times since I found it and it always leaves me wanting to know what happens next. Can't wait for the next chapter
7/2 c28 F Hurst
What have you done to my EYES? Why is everything blurry?
6/24 c34 Guest
I just binged this a yearn for more. Hope you are well
6/21 c5 Livedark
This is so wholesome
4/29 c34 Username6166
I wish this was continued
4/7 c22 4hnh058513
Plus one of the Few things Ra's actually cares about is the Future, it's why the LOA was originally formed
4/7 c9 hnh058513
Reminder Clark was Lex's Best Friend when they were in Smallville so while Clark would be wary and a might suspicious, he'd probably be hopeful to see that the Old Lex is still in there
4/7 c8 hnh058513
Honestly Lex's Big thing is Pride so knowing that people want to see him and not Superman would really be good for him
4/7 c5 hnh058513
Yeah the thing is Both Wilson and Lawson have things about Family, Deadshot adores his Daughter and Wife, while Deathstroke in his own twisted way cares about his Children with how things went with Jericho, and Rose and Grant because of how those two represent his Legacy
4/7 c2 hnh058513
One problem here, Both Barry, and Wally are noted to have good relationships with The Rouge's when it comes to matters outside of Crime, Mick Rory AKA Heatwave while brainwashed by I can't remember who to forget his criminal nature ended up befriending Barry to the point he knew he was the Flash, and even after regaining his Identity as Heatwave kept that knowledge to himself and never did anything with it.
4/7 c34 Onxio
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