Just In
for Heroes Assemble!

10/28/2024 c85 Dretnuh
Bruh I swear, as soon as Tony developed magic resistant tech Harry started acting like there’s no issue with magic and tech. Like taking the Ant-Man suit through apparition has GOT to cause some issues bro come on!
10/28/2024 c83 Dretnuh
Wait! Central city! I swear to god if this has dc crossover stoff too, being introduced this late in the story ughhh. Plz no.
10/28/2024 c78 Dretnuh
God! So stupid to have a soeedster die to bullets! You already got more Avengers than canon, why not just let him live?! Or atleast have him die in a more believable way!
10/27/2024 c63 Dretnuh
Wait I’m confused. Did Monkey Joe just die while we were in Doreen’s PoV and she didn’t either break down crying or fly into an uncontrollable rage?! And didn’t even specify that he died along with the random squirrels from around the place? He’s supposed to be like her best friend since she was a little kid man wth.
10/27/2024 c52 Dretnuh
Fym? His distrust of the ministry should have started in second year not third. You know? When he saw the minister arresting Hagrid so that the ministry was “seen doing something”
10/26/2024 c11 Dretnuh
Especially her parents! They didn’t even know about magic until they were full grown adults! Their entire schoolng was just regular muggle schooling. And since they are dentists, they would have went to college. There’s no way you go all the way through college in a marvel universe without hearing about Captain America! Like I get he probably wouldn’t have been as popular in Britain, but he would still be KNOWN!
10/26/2024 c11 Dretnuh
Wait. How tf would Hermione not know who fucking Captain America is? In a world with marvel in it he would be ALL OVER THE FUCKING HISTORY BOOKS! You know BOOKS Hermione’s favorite thing EVER. So why would she see him and think “a man with a shield”. No she’d be like “Holy shit that’s captain America!”
10/26/2024 c9 Dretnuh
Mmmmmmmm. I was wondering how he’d stumble across Charles institute. Or if it would even be in the story. Very nice.
10/26/2024 c2 Dretnuh
Bruh, MACUSA isn’t a ministry…. It is the magical congress of the usa…. So, they’d probably just say aurors. Scratch that, even in britain I feel like they wouldn’t feel the need to differentiate “ministry” aurors, seeing as what fucking other aurors are there? That’s like American cops shouting “governmental police!” Or like “congressional cops!” Or some shit. And before you say like “federal law enforcement” or something, that because there actually is a difference between federal and state authorities. Wizards just have the one government for the nation as far as we know. They don’t have different authority levels, or jurisdictional issues. As far as we know, theres just “aurors”….
9/21/2024 c128 Greek Shadow
This is one of the best stories I've ever read, please do a sequel.
9/7/2024 c77 Animeworld2.0
Hello, this is "Infinity harry" May I share your story on YouTube with an audience that prefers listening over reading.,

Channel link: Infinityharry,
This is my new channel if their is support from authors definitely we will gain more hits on your work..

I will give proper credit in the description of your story, will also share video link under your story review for your view and we respect authors and their copyright.

If you have any suggestions, such as a title starting with “What If” or any other preferences, I am ready to make changes according to your preferences.

I would appreciate your cooperation. Please reply at your earliest convenience with permission. Thank you!
9/6/2024 c9 Abyssalwhale
...he can just disillusion himself, and use notice me nots.
9/5/2024 c4 MajesticZ3BR4
You do you realize what cum is dont you?
8/23/2024 c7 Tracy b
Love this story. I've only gotten halfway with it when my phone broke . So here I am enjoying from the beginning several years later. Thank your lovely muse for me. I do so enjoy a great read on what ifs on hp fanfiction. It's fill my soul with such wondrous adventures. As I child in the 60s i read many comic books to take me to the land of marvelous visions people would share. As a nearly senior citizen it still drives me and fills a void. My job had much downtime that I am allowed to do as I please after my work is finished. I am an overnight care giver to those that need it
8/18/2024 c10 acowles02
Youd think hed learn to silently cast things in his five years of exploration
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