Just In
for Heroes Assemble!

7/30/2024 c128 Silent guy
Oh my god! This is like the best mcuxharry Potter fiction ever! I am definitely keeping this one when I'm in the mood to reread it again
7/31/2024 c7 Alice Scarlett Knabel
i love you are bringing heros we haven't seen like squirrel girl
7/31/2024 c3 Alice Scarlett Knabel
cream? in TEA what is wrong with you
7/28/2024 c1 Harrymorttrash
after reading this twice i an confirm that this is the best marvelxharrypotter fnfic ive ever read
7/6/2024 c128 lord of the east
Damm this has been an amazing fic !
7/2/2024 c89 Guest
Definitely super rushed with Daphne and Bucky. Feels super random, especially since there was no real confirmation they were together, just hints. Feels like you're skipping over a lot of character development with people, so much so that they could be out of the story and nothing much would of changed.
7/2/2024 c66 Guest
Bucky and Daphne seems super odd. Not only is it super unethical on Daphne's part, it feels undeserved. Same with teddy and Doreen. You've sorta just thrown them together without us really seeing why.
7/3/2024 c128 Cjames313
Wow. I am currently writing this on three cups of coffee and two missed days of sleep, but WOW! This whole entire Fic was riveting, compelling, and downright fantastic; I haven't encountered a story this good in a while. I don't think I can thank you enough for this gift. Ever. But, nevertheless, THANK YOU! 3
6/28/2024 c127 sandfair221
Older fic but still okay. This is oddly one of those fics that start better and slides rather than starting badly and getting better as the author progresses. That's not to say that the author's actual writing degrades. No, the problem is that the scope is too big and suffers as a result. The first few chapters with just Harry are fantastically detailed and progress smoothly. Hermione's and Harry's first meeting is touching and well written and refreshingly platonic. It's later as more and more plotlines and people are stuffed into the story that detail slips and the quality suffers a sudden nosedive. Entire interactions that should be spread over chapters are summed up and told, rather than shown, in a few throwaway lines. The author also should have just forgone any sort of romance whatsoever. The lead up and execution of the romantic pairing was stilted and seemed to have existed just as a "you'll never guess who the OTP is in this novel" type deal. Please authors, just because your readers keep asking about pairings, it really really doesn't mean you should write any at all. Most fic authors are not good at romantic writing and it detract rather than enhance your works.

Anyway. All in all this work would have benefited from being broken into multiple focused volumes rather than one long unfocused fic. If the author can concentrate on narrowing their story's progressionf ocus in the future it'd really improve their quality. Writing an epic story doesn't mean a massive sprawling unwieldy storyline. It means a focused storyline that builds on itself over time into something bigger via references, foreshadowing, returning previously hinted story elements, etc.

Thank you and good luck in the future.
6/24/2024 c17 2bunxx
Ive loved if all so far. My only complaint is that harry is still using spells he learned in hogwarts; after he supposedly attained all this new knowledge from his travels and also went through autor training.
6/21/2024 c128 5Unknown81
Loved the story but when will vol 2 be released
6/17/2024 c128 YuukiOnna0
Holy moly what a read was this! It took weeks but it was so worth it! Absolutely loved it. Thank you with providing me/us with a lot of reading fun!
6/15/2024 c67 Guest
Harry pairing with Skye out of the blue. That sucks. I can't feel any chemistry between them. I literally skipped most of their conversations as they feel forced and unnatural. The dynamic and chemistry of Harry and Hermione in early chapters was way better. The way they talk and joke around each other, their POVs and thoughts were natural and as if they were wanting to be together but cannot, and just their vibe being wholesome in general. Skye's more like a colleague.
6/15/2024 c128 Immaterium
It was a great story, well done
6/15/2024 c127 Immaterium
It is great to see Tony ( and not just him ) alive and well for a change :)
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