Just In
for Heroes Assemble!

6/15/2024 c127 Immaterium
It is great to see Tony ( and not just him ) alive and well for a change :)
6/15/2024 c126 Immaterium
Well that was one hell of a fight - great
6/13/2024 c23 ryuschnitzel
Everything seems convenient. Run awat squirrel girl wanted to meet Avengers? Great, she dumpsterdived on Harry's property. Of the millions of people living in NY, she met the MC and one of the avengers. Such coincidence.

Bruce hitchhiking and dropped off in a random place outskirts of LA? Well. It was such a fortunate coincidence he was there or else his cousin, Jennifer, would die after being shot near him. Truly the apex of creative writing.

Also, Jennifer became a She-Hulk after she was contaminated by a DROP of blood from Bruce. We all know that having too much of his blood would make them explode. Yet, we see Bruce transfusing blood on her like it's no problemo.

It's so... dumb and forced. I'd expect more from the most reviewed and followed crossover fic.
6/12/2024 c128 Raedarius
was great but a little bit lacking at the end, purpleguy seems waay to easy, also didnt even use redstone, im kind of still waiting to find that it was all an illusion
6/4/2024 c117 Immaterium
So "The Resurrection Stone" is "The Soul Stone" - I was curious if that will be the case since "The Deathly Hallows" were mentioned a little bit throughout the story - nice
5/31/2024 c104 Immaterium
I was wondering when will that little detail about Harry and Mjolnir be mentioned :-)
5/30/2024 c128 odonnellzoo99
With DC2 finishing up recently, It made me think that it would be a good time to reread Heros.
A very good story.
5/29/2024 c107 odonnellzoo99
Although I don't search them out, I always enjoy the stories where Dudley's daughter has magic.
Very nice wedding scene.
5/29/2024 c107 odonnellzoo99
FFN notications started working again today!
I wonder for how long?
5/25/2024 c123 Raedarius
every effing chapter gets worse and worse, even the children of thanos gets butchered, i cant finish this today...
5/25/2024 c122 Raedarius
wth you gonna bring back ultron? this was soo good but at the end its going worse and worse
5/25/2024 c121 Raedarius
daaam was it dissapointing what you did with hela, basically making her completely useless and a waste of letters, what was even the point to her?
5/25/2024 c120 Raedarius
soooo im guessing here but the most hated superhero in marvel cinematic universe is fhe traitor?
5/23/2024 c117 Raedarius
ooooh shit the odin ending could have been better honestly any kind of medium to leave a message, just screem "Heimfall you ass tell my son he has a sisterlike this way there will be zero warning and they will not be at the spot...
5/21/2024 c37 5BarbedCaress
I like how you handled the pure-bloods.
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