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1/27 c8 ImAlpine
The canceled quidditch season, but still having quidditch practice, is a bit of a continuity break. The practice would be just as dangerous as a match with the dementors, if not more so due to lack of teachers.

Just a small point! I am adoring this fic!
1/23 c4 Wantaknow
your a fucking dumb ass, harry gets detention for saving his brother you are a dumb fuck
1/9 c27 kiwihipp
A very interesting story, that involved mythical persons and fictional person.
1/4 c22 kiwihipp
That was rather scary, but good that Harry got that whip and can hopefully lock it away forever, by not leaving any notes about it, anywhere.
1/4 c21 kiwihipp
That was quite the adventure for the three.
1/4 c20 kiwihipp
A very fitting end to a great piece of fanfiction.
1/4 c19 kiwihipp
That was really a fantastic ending, and yet again, it shows that no one likes to kill another person, never mind how evil that person was. The battle you described was awesome, so much magic involved, it seems impossible.
1/3 c18 kiwihipp
That was one exciting chapter! Glad that Malfoy is a squib now.
So happy that Bellatrix and Harry are a couple now and that Remus and Narcissa are becoming friends.
That battle was crazy, especially once Harry found out why Tom had done it that way.
1/3 c17 kiwihipp
An angry Harry is not someone to play with, especially now that he has the Elder wand!
1/3 c6 1bleachorange
The tattoos and double core thing is a dumb idea. The moment this fic settled in, it became really basic and cliche. Ugh.

I dont think the fight with dolohov was done well. Harry has been in life or death situations his entire life and every other paragraph he was stunned and shocked at what dolohov did. Im not sure the author knows what a wooden beam is. 3 of those embedded into any torso would mean instant death. The body cannot function in such a state. We are not talking about posts (bad enough) but beam, large structural supports. 3 of those at minimum would almost completely fill a male human torso, much less have to shatter the ribcage to embed within the human body. And dolohov here kept casting through it? In the face of massive shock, bleeding, and near instant total organ failure? Not to mention how it would impede someone physically. Bah. What a farce. I am deeply unsatisfied with this so called fight by Mr Harry 'I dont duel I fight' potter.

Ugh, yeah, every time this fic seems like it does something right, it immediately becomes very awkward and poorly written. Im done with it. The bit at grimmauld place was poorly done as well, as was the strange interaction with narcissa at diagon alley. There are other fics done better by this author, go read those instead. This one is not it.
1/3 c4 bleachorange
The first encounter with bellatrix felt forced in their interactions.
1/3 c3 bleachorange
It seems as though its picked up a bit since the prologue and intro.
1/3 c2 bleachorange
This one was rough for me as well, but it picked up a bit once we got past settling identity. Im on to the next chap to see what thats like. The humor towards the end of this one was nice.
1/3 c16 kiwihipp
Well done Harry, for getting this far in the ministry!
1/2 c14 kiwihipp
Great news that he was meeting up with Death to find out what was next in line for him.
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