Just In
for The Stirring

2/14/2023 c42 Emily
Alright I have so much to say, I can’t right now cause I’m still processing what just went down. This is the longest time I’ve had to take to read a chapter, I keep putting my phone down cause it’s too fucking good. Like damn Severus. *slaps table* mhmm!
I keep reading thinking ,“oh it’s not gonna get better than this it’s too good” and then he talks AND IT DOES GET SO MUCH BETTER!
I really can’t wait for them to interact again cause that was so hot it’s going to get so awkward and I’m living for it
2/14/2023 c42 Guest
Jesus fuck. I’m assuming he casted a muffliato for this one hahah
2/14/2023 c42 Laura S
I'm too excited to say anything coherent at this point...

Nilsia just gave us not only a super hot chapter, she also gave us the most honest and relaxed talk they've had so far about what's going on between them.

I have things to say about the plot, but I'll calm down first.

No lie, I had to stop at least 2 times while reading, to calm myself down so I could keep reading without getting upset.
2/14/2023 c42 Guest
The guy masturbating to death thinking about her and the poor thing's gonna presume he was with someone else.
2/14/2023 c41 Guest
“I don't expect anything from you,” he stated, "regardless of what I do, and I never want you to… do something you don't want to simply to cater to my pleasure."

Róisín, girl, pay attention to the details, the non said words, the hesitation, the construction of the sentence and to HIS DAMN BODY! The guy got an erection before even starting to masturbate her (viagra potion’s my ass) and she still thinks he is indifferent, poor girl.
2/14/2023 c42 Khaleesins
2/14/2023 c42 Floop
I will write a proper review when I've recovered.
2/13/2023 c42 Guest
He will not be able to look at her while teaching that’s for damn sure
2/13/2023 c42 missfites
Fantastic chapter!
2/13/2023 c41 Quarantine Blues
Floop - yay! FOAFs Forever! I have no website :( I was trying to put in the alternative means of contacting me that I use for BETA work. But FFN didn't like that. I'll try again:

HPQuarantineBlues at [the domain name for the big corporation that starts with a G and is now synonymous with "search"]

If that didn't work, screw it, just PM me. This is the last time I'll harass anyone about it.

THE PLOT - I'm still recovering from the last time Sirius died in canon like, twenty years ago. I'm low-key still traumatized about it. And I swear if Nilsia kills him here too I will resurrect him, give him back his motorbike, and send him to a tropical beach in Brazil where he does the sex with beautiful people every day.

I agree we're headed for some sort of showdown. Possibly still at the Dept. of Mysteries. That's where The Stirring is (and the Prophesy) and they mention it often enough. But then again, maybe not. If Arthur wasn't attacked, I guess that means nobody's guarding the ministry? Maybe it just hasn't happened yet and Nilsia is fiddling with the timeline to keep us all on our toes.

Oh, there was a Fidelius Charm, right? Dumbledore is Snape's secret-keeper RE: Roisin? Not sure how that works. I suppose we'll see...eventually *dies*
2/13/2023 c41 Floop
OK, I am writing a FOAF now, as a fellow smut deprived lunatic. But I'm a lot slower than you guys!

Magdalene: write your FOAF! I want to read...

Y'know, I had not forgotten about that peck on the lips - I just don't think it counts! I meant a proper snog. That's what I'm waiting for and I bet they do SNOG in Chapter 42. When they DO SEX.

Quarantine Blues: what's your website? I can't make that link work :(

Plot-wise: yes, I think you've got everything but also, Arthur wasn't attacked by Nagini right? And Snape's Occulemency lessons with Harry seem to be going better? So will the kids end up at the Ministry and Sirius die at the end of the school year? I hope now. I love Sirius. Instead, I think there will be some sort of showdown around Roisin/Siog. I hope someone kills Bellatrix.

Nilsia: less reading, more writing please. I can't wait for chapter 42.
2/11/2023 c41 Guest
FOAF links:

You can also look at Nilsia's favorites - they're the two most recent.

Wolfsbane by QuarantineBlues

That Time of the Month by Les-Euphories
2/11/2023 c41 Guest
FOAF links:


2/11/2023 c41 Guest
Where are we reading the FOAF, I’m lost help me
2/11/2023 c41 Quarantine blues
Nilsia - You'd better not be reading FOAF instead of writing the next chapter. FOAFs are your reward - writing first! Just kidding. Kind of XD

Laura! Que Bueno! Thank you for reminding us about the pico. That word is actually spot on - a good English term for that is a "peck" - the same thing a chicken does with its beak. (Told you "pico" was spot-on).

Magdalene - Enjoy your vacation! And do write something. Remember, we're NICE. We'd never flame you.

Magdalene and anyone else on the fence about writing their own FOAF's - I do BETA, you know. From proofreading to full-on collaboration. Have for close to a decade now. I'm here is you need a second pair of eyes or a cheerleader. If The Stirring can be the thing that, in addition to you loving, finally impels you to write your own stuff, I'm sure Nilsia would be flattered, and I would be happy to facilitate. HPquarantineblues . c o m

Support Group -

Okay, I know we're all obsessed with the sex and the relationship. If our FOAF's don't show us to be smut-deprived lunatics, I don't know what does.

BUT - let's talk about the plot.

-MC is a Siog. Both the Dark Lord and the Order have known there is a Siog, somewhere, for a while. Since MC came into contact with The Stirring, an artefact that detects Sioga (The Stirring may or may not be a quill created by Merlin).

We know The Order. specifically Sirius, did research on Sioga. We know there was a conversation about what to do with the Siog - Tonks was the only one without great reservation about Snape partnering with her.

We know the Dark Lord has tasked Severus with finding the Siog. We know Severus is in the shithouse about this.

We know the entity that attacked Kun and, through him, tried to find the siog, was a Horcrux. Dumbledore knows it - Snape suspects it.

We know Rookwood is a concern.

Is that all we know? Have I missed anything?
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