Just In
for The Stirring

5/14 c42 sonderful
i feel like i’m descending into madness as i wait for the next chapter; the writing is so good and i appreciate so much how this story is based around a greater plot. some stories like this, make sex the be all end all (forgive the pun) climax and that’s how they end the story. This fic is so different bc it’s so much about sex and the female perspective of sexual expression, but it’s not the focus. Roísín having sex is treated as a way to propel the story forward and she’s so much more than what sexual encounter she has. And her sex life is in between public and private, so she doesnt even get the grace of keeping her experiences to herself or sharing it with her friends. she doesn’t even have ownership of her own sex life. Dumbledore and the order chose her partner, she meets snape in his chambers on his schedule. She has to write her symptoms in a notebook for him to read. Nothing is private for her, and it really shows in your writing how much she’s being objectified bc no one in the order knows what to do. And the only thing snape can do to give her some ownership is let her know she can withdrawal consent whenever she wants and do his best to make it feel is a sex story, where sex is a vehicle to further characterization and the plot along. It’s a fantastic story and I hope a new chapter is uploaded; because it’s well written (Plot and character) and the blindness about the orders willingness to do “whatever it takes” to stop Voldemort, even when it means making a couple of wizard teenagers save the wizarding world without being given all the information
5/2 c42 EspumadeMar
I can't believe I hadn't discovered this work before, it's amazingly captivating! The main characters, Snape and Snape and Snape! Then there is the way you actually put apparently some "irrelevant" information on the story and i just want to know what it's going to happen with that so bad. I also can't believe that i am into Snape/OC fanfics since 2020 and NEVER was aware of the existence of this fic. Btw I am your current fan now.
4/11 c37 TiredReader
I never thought I'll miss this fic so much but your writing has me addicted. I hope everything is good in your life and that you're doing well 3
4/9 c42 Guest
One time this fic went about two years without being updated, and then we started getting updates again. So I'm still holding out hope. Fingers crossed!
4/5 c42 Guest
Is it abandoned?
3/19 c42 Guest
You are a damn good writer. My goodness this work is perfection. You should be very proud.
2/28 c42 ahhhh sorry
it's been a year since you've updated the fic, and i understand life comes at us fast, and is often a paralytic when we have the time to return to activities we enjoy. i know from experience, that diving into head first into the anxiety and doing the thing anyway is the best way to overcome that paralysis. if you're concerned about the community not receiving your update well, i just want to remind that we've been reading and reviewing (and someone started a subreddit dedicated to your work) this entire time. you're a talented writer and artist (im jealous) and your contribution to fandom and just the entire fact that you write so beautifully is why people want you to update, you've exposed us to a higher level of literature (idc that it's fanfiction, i want a bound copy of this) that i didn't know authors were capable of (without a bunch of academic gatekeeping and jargon) and because of you, i have been intentionally looking for traditionally published work that is on the same caliber as you. i hope you update soon and that you're okay. but most importantly i want to thank you for the 42 chapters of amazing characters, story, and (to be real) smut.
2/19 c42 Sssk611
It’s been a year:’( I hope life is alright and we can get an update in the new year.
2/14 c42 Guest
I'm not going to lie, I was hoping there would be some update yesterday, just like I hoped for at Christmas and then at New Year's, because in a way, it's an anniversary, right? It's strange to think that in this past year, there were few days when I didn't open this site just to see if there was any news, like a routine before going to bed and upon waking up. It's my favorite fanfic, and damn, probably one of my favorite stories overall. So, I'll probably spend the rest of my life updating this page and creating conspiracy theories about dates that deserve an update, hoping that everything is okay and that you haven't given up on the story.
2/13 c42 Laura S
Officially one year, without this wonderful story.

The funny thing is that I keep checking back every so often (almost weekly) to see if a new chapter appears, and I don't plan to stop.
2/11 c22 Guest
This backstory is so good, I'm mindblown by this ending. Snape and Lupin had me laughing, I loved the duo.
And everyone knowing that Kun is gay except the poor Róisín, who's outraged that nobody thinks it's possible for him to be interested in her lol
2/11 c21 Guest
Snape asking for permission to treat Róisín's broken ribs, yet entering her mind and accessing all her secrets without consent is ironic. Ironic, but not as a writing inconsistency, cause it fits so well with the situation. He would invade anyone's mind, but he doesn't want to physically impose himself on her even more, especially considering that he somehow believes she's essentially raping her. I love their confrontations, how even though Róisín is afraid of him and at the same time grateful to him, she doesn't just bow down to everything.
2/11 c20 Guest
Roisin's scenes with her Anna and Ida are a delight to read. The two are well-written secondary characters and seem quite consistent, so it's very enjoyable to follow. I hope Ida shows up more with all this chaos going on.
2/10 c9 Guest
That was so well-written, it was impactful and funny at the same time. I'm officially obsessed.
2/10 c7 Liz
Damn, there's not a single time Snape shows up that he doesn't make me laugh about something.
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