Just In
for The Stirring

8/27/2022 c35 Guest
Mmmmmm love it so much
8/26/2022 c35 Guest
Also, I can just imagine Snape using legilimency to see that Róisín found out about what Harry saw
8/26/2022 c35 Guest
I just happened upon this fic a few days ago and decided last night to read it all. I stayed up way too late last night and read all morning, and I'm obsessed. I got a little worried at your note about not posting for years, and I hope circumstances don't cause that again because I absolutely love this story. I feel in some ways that it was written specifically for me because it has some of my favorite tropes. But in general, the writing is impeccable, the canon compliance is amazing, and if you had any full-length published books I would devour them. Please update soon and faithfully for your poor devoted readers lol
8/25/2022 c35 6QuarantineBlues

Thanks so much for updating! I've been putting off reviewing because, as much as I ate up this new chapter, I felt like I needed to reread the whole thing to properly comment (please take that as praise). However, I'll not let the perfect be the enemy of the good and just thank you, thank you, thank you for updating! I can't tell you how excited I was to see the update in my email (I literally squealed). I also literally squealed when reading about the artefact - The Stirring. It's a rare delight when one finds a title hidden in text, and it speaks to your care as a writer. As always, Feral is compelling, the canon characters are in-character (especially Hermione - god, I love her here) and the intrigue is intriguing. I love that we're still at Grimmauld place (a highly underused locale in my opinion) and, oh, she took a sip of that potion! Will she "need" Snape soon? In a way I hope not, for her sake (thank you for re-visiting her trauma around her birthday. That was possibly the best part of the story, and I'm glad it's not forgotten). In a bigger way, I hope so, because I've missed his presence these last few chapters.

Please keep writing. Your adoring public waits.
8/21/2022 c35 Moi
Oooooh the stirring!

I miss Snape so much. I think her magic is erratic again and she needs some attention from a certain Potion Master…
8/21/2022 c35 15little.sloth.scribe
You did a wonderful job with this chapter, update when you can! :)
8/21/2022 c35 Guest
Just keep in mind that every week you don’t update are 7 days rereading the same chapters over and over and this can’t be healthy. An entire month without a new chapter almost make me cry in agony (and I waited for your coming back for years, which shows that this addiction grows and I’m sure that it grows exponentially). But no rush, of course
8/21/2022 c35 Ton
Oh, Róisín, this is such a bad idea, girl. Burn this letter straight away.

Harry was very well written, a piece of shitty as always. (Sorry, he’s a good boy and everything, but, for god sake, he’s so irritating.
8/20/2022 c35 Oksanallex
Love this story! Please keep writing!
8/18/2022 c35 Eleni
Aw, poor Róisin. It seems that not only does everyone know about her and Snape (except her friends) they also know far more than herself. I hope she won't regret not immediately burning that letter to Anna... I really enjoyed her quick talk to Remus. He's great! Excited for more!
8/17/2022 c35 Guest
I always stop by here hoping to find an update...
And then I read the chapter too fast and wait again... You have me hooked please continue.
8/17/2022 c35 Guest
So good!
8/17/2022 c35 9Larry1710
YES! I was so excited to read this (because re-reading is great and all, but I need to know what happens next). I yelped when I saw there was a new chapter.

"Call me Remus," eeeeee I do love him. And it's back to Mr Black again?

It's great we finally know where the title is from - although it's obviously got several meanings. I'm so curious as to what happens the next time they end up in the Department of Mysteries (I hope Sirius lives).

Lamentable lack of Snape in this chapter but I guess I will survive. I really like how she wrote a letter to Anna - even though she should clearly burn it.

Love your work! Thanks for the chapter :)
8/17/2022 c35 missfites
Fantastic! Wonder how the conversation will go between her and snape with him already knowing. Although I'd also like to see her have snape preform that fantasy!
8/15/2022 c34 Pease
Moreeeeee plzzzzz
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