Just In
for The Stirring

7/1/2018 c19 Guest
it was great ;)))) xxxxxxx
6/30/2018 c18 15little.sloth.scribe
I thought this chapter was very well written, I have to agree with Rosin about the word masturbate is an ugly and awkward word maybe that's why there are so many nicknames for it to make it seem less dirty? I also hate the fact that for men it's normal for them, but for women, it is as if we don't have needs too, and that we don't need some type of stress. It's another double standard, how men are allowed to have sex with women before marriage, and how every woman that they have intercourse with is considered some big achievement, where women are supposed to be pure and innocent. And heaven forbid that women have sex with multiple men, then they are considered sluts.

I hope you update again soon, and I apologize for the lengthy review, but I'm happy that you were able to write a significant scene. Did it feel awkward to write such a scene? I know I feel the same awkward and ashamed when I write scenes such this and intercourse scenes.

6/28/2018 c18 Anon
It's so well written and interesting
I love the realistic dynamic between Severus and a student
Also, we don't get many SevRavenclaws
6/28/2018 c18 Guest
I really like the story it’s so interesting and snape dynamic with her is so great I wish she start feeling more comfortable with her sexuality. I’m glad she’s starting to see her experience with shape in a better light
6/27/2018 c18 B
Its a great chapter, but above all, its a great story. Thanks for the update.
6/27/2018 c18 Verr
New chapter! Yes!
I like the fact that despite how scared she was and how uncomfortable her first experience was, she stars seeing it in a... "more positive light" haha ;) I cannot wait for the next chapter!
6/27/2018 c18 7Asmodeus Black
Great chapter!
6/26/2018 c18 2sandracddy
Woow love it
I love Snape, He's so Snape xP
Lo comentare en español para poder expresarlo mejor xP
Me encanta como has armado el personaje de Snape... Es tan creible y me parece que de verdad refleja su personalidad xD
Y Rose, definitivamente es el personaje! XD
Me encanto como escribiste su primera vez, fue muy real, con Rose toda asustada, y siendo tan impersonal, pero eso fue lo que lo hizo mejor.
Muero por leer la segunda vez, estoy segura que va ser mucho mas candente q la primera xD

Please continue... 3
6/26/2018 c18 Guest
I'm glad for this update.
6/26/2018 c18 DarkLordofMemes
Nice update. I was wondering how the aftermath would be.
6/26/2018 c18 sonderful
A short chapter but a good one, I love the secrets of the castle and the background of characters you bring. And the language being used really defines characters, you’re really creating a good imagery by defining character voice
6/26/2018 c18 Brooklynhills
I freaked when I saw there was a new chapter!
6/26/2018 c18 Brooklynhills
Thank you!
6/26/2018 c1 Brooklynhills
I’m so hyped right now! Thank you for another chapter!
6/21/2018 c17 11SageTheAsonbakw
And so it continues...~
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