Just In
for The Stirring

4/8/2023 c42 Guest
They ask you how you are and, you just have to say you are fine-
4/8/2023 c42 Guest
*ugly crying* Nilsia this isn't funny
4/6/2023 c42 Guest
It would be easier if you just kill me
4/6/2023 c42 Sonderful
Dearest diary,

It has been two months since dear Nilsia was drafted to war. The winter has ebbed and the cold air is gone. Spring is back and the trees flower. I wonder: does she see them too? The birds tweet, loud and never ceasing and that makes me wonder: was muffliato cast? And more questions burn through me: is it obvious that I am parodying a history channel civil war voice over? Or do I sound insane? What does Nilsia’s dog look like? Does he have ferret related trauma? And as the days drag on, and light stays till well past the evening meal I think: I need three jokes to make this feel complete.
Gossip girl
4/6/2023 c42 Shirayuki.394
Hope your all good, Just to let you know that Honestly the best fic ever! I have legit checked everyday since the last update hopping for a new chapter as I can’t wait like everybody else id imagine. X
4/5/2023 c42 Laura S
I have been very busy with work and even so, I keep looking to see if the next chapter appears...
I admire us for not freaking out during the wait.
4/3/2023 c1 Guest
I love how we’re all losing it but trying to remain calm
4/2/2023 c42 Floop
I will pay you to write the next chapter
4/2/2023 c42 Guest
Where are you babe?
3/29/2023 c42 Emily
I can’t wait next chapter, when Severus tore down that prejudice poster it reminded me so much of captain con trapp from the sound of music, I loved it. I always loved the two characters interactions because of the roles they’ve played in each other’s lives . Now I’m so excited to see how they’re interaction will change since they’re has been a major (and satisfying) shift. I’m still curious what Arthur spoke with Snape about.
P.S always taking song recommendations for the playlist
3/29/2023 c42 Guest
These are dark times
3/29/2023 c42 Guest
I read this whole fanfiction in one night and I absolutely loved it! Can’t wait for the next chapter
3/26/2023 c42 Yup
: / w w w . r / /
3/26/2023 c42 Guest
Subs open to everyone as TheStirringFF there were some design features I wanted to do before opening it but Reddit isn’t letting me, so it’s not perfect (yet). But it’s up!
3/26/2023 c42 Quarantine Blues
One of of of us!

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