Just In
for The Stirring

3/26/2023 c42 Magdalene
to Tired Reader - please join! it'll be so nice to have everyone there s2
to Khaleesins - it's still a private sub (I think), so you need to let sonderful (u / 7392867) know your reddit user so they can add you :)
3/26/2023 c1 Tired Reader
the urge to make a reddit account just so I can join the subreddit sonderful made is high, will I give in? we shall soon find out :)
3/26/2023 c21 Khaleesins
I can't find the reddit community to join. I type the names you posted but no results. I dont know if it is bc I'm completely clueless about Reddit or something's wrong
3/25/2023 c42 sonderful
i made a subreddit. r/ thestirringff
it's a private sub so you'll have to request access before joining, also pm your u/ on here so i can add you right away
3/25/2023 c42 Quarantine Blues
Everyone, do yourself a favor and go read Sonderful's wonderful, wonderful FOAF. And all the other FOAF's. I've put them in a community for you (all except Laru/Floop's Muffliato, which I believe is only on Ao3 (works / 45770461)

FOAF Community Link:
3/24/2023 c42 sonderful
hey i made a FOAF called Muggle Solutions. www . fanfiction s / 14213703 / 1 / Muggle-Solutions / s / / 1 / Muggle-Solutions hopefully it fits into Nilsia's narrative.
3/24/2023 c42 Guest
nilsia where the hell are you loca :( i'm longing for an update
3/23/2023 c42 Quarantine Blues
Floop - oh, I'll beta anything, not just Snape fics. But if I'm not familiar with the fandom, my beta-ing is of course less effective - mostly proofreading.

I'd be happy to look at anything you've got :)
3/23/2023 c42 Floop
Quarantine Blues - do you just beta Severus Snape fanfics? Or other stuff too? I can’t believe they’re making you input code - the monsters!

I don’t know what to do while we wait. Someone write a FOAF!
3/22/2023 c42 Quarantine Blues
The FOAFs are the only thing keeping me sane, too. Thank you Laru/Floop and Les-Euphories!

I agree with everyone who doesn't want to work. Please, Nilsia, it's so terrible...They're making me insert a single line of code into hundreds of .html files.

Have I mentioned that I COLLABORATE?! That I BETA?! That I ACTIVELY TAKE REQUESTS?! Please, somebody save me from this tedium until Nilsia updates.
3/22/2023 c42 Magdalene
Trying not to be dramatic about wanting an update so I'll just hang out here in the comments until then :p I've reread the last chapter so much that I think I have some sentences memorized by now. Again, not to be dramatic or anything like that LOL

Also, all the FOAFs are so good, they're keeping me sane
3/21/2023 c42 Alex
I have to do some public speaking tomorrow (reeeeee), so I would love a distraction in the form of an update ;)
3/21/2023 c42 ahhhhh sorry
i hope you return soon, this little corner of the internet is all the better when people get to express their creativity and talents and others support them. (also i want to be the 700th review)
3/21/2023 c42 floop
Seconded - Nilsia, I don't want to have to actually work during my work hours.
3/21/2023 c42 Sonderful
Nilsia pls update. I have work meetings I don’t want to pay attention to!
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