6/11/2021 c8 Annabella
I know you haven’t updated since 2017, but this is an amazing concept and I love the story so far. If you do see this please continue.
I know you haven’t updated since 2017, but this is an amazing concept and I love the story so far. If you do see this please continue.
2/10/2020 c8 Guest
Love the originals touch
Love the originals touch
5/22/2019 c8
1Cassie Noble
Omg! I love the concept! It’s such a good idea and such a good story!I really hope to read more soon!

Omg! I love the concept! It’s such a good idea and such a good story!I really hope to read more soon!
10/27/2018 c1 badass roza
please please please update IV read this four times now can't wait to see what happens x
please please please update IV read this four times now can't wait to see what happens x
8/18/2017 c8 Guest
Wonderful story! I hope that you continue with it!
Wonderful story! I hope that you continue with it!
5/1/2017 c8 Guest
Good story and plot thus far! A couple of grammatical errors but they do not cause a problem with the readers enjoyment of the tale. Excellent work, it's difficult to believe this is your first work. You are talented! I look forward to reading future chapters. Thank you for sharing your talent.
Good story and plot thus far! A couple of grammatical errors but they do not cause a problem with the readers enjoyment of the tale. Excellent work, it's difficult to believe this is your first work. You are talented! I look forward to reading future chapters. Thank you for sharing your talent.
4/17/2017 c8 Guest
Continue continue continue please I NEED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS.
Continue continue continue please I NEED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS.
2/21/2017 c8 Guest
Next please
Next please
2/19/2017 c8 Guest
The way rose is pregnant with his child is weird but I can roll with it. Keep going!
The way rose is pregnant with his child is weird but I can roll with it. Keep going!
2/19/2017 c8
great chapter. how is Rose pregnant with Klaus' child, if she never met him(unless there was compulsion involved)? Great twist on how the Moroi was created. Will the (Moroi and dhampir) since belonging to Fin's sire line, die along with him?

great chapter. how is Rose pregnant with Klaus' child, if she never met him(unless there was compulsion involved)? Great twist on how the Moroi was created. Will the (Moroi and dhampir) since belonging to Fin's sire line, die along with him?
2/15/2017 c1 Guest
This is great! I didn't think a Vampire Academy/Originals crossover could be this good!
This is great! I didn't think a Vampire Academy/Originals crossover could be this good!
1/31/2017 c6 KissedByShaddows24
great storyline. can't wait to see more Klaus and Rose scenes. I think that they make a good couple (besides Rose/Dimitri). what would eleven witches want with Rose?
great storyline. can't wait to see more Klaus and Rose scenes. I think that they make a good couple (besides Rose/Dimitri). what would eleven witches want with Rose?