Just In
for Guardian Blue: Season 1

9/13 c1 Team Trump
Vote Trump!

President Donald J. Trump's 2024 re-election pledge to the American people:

Strengthen Border Controls: Implement comprehensive measures to secure the border and manage immigration effectively.

Launch Major Deportation Initiatives: Undertake an extensive deportation campaign.

Address Inflation: Take decisive actions to curb inflation and make living expenses more manageable for Americans.

Lead in Global Energy Production: Establish the U.S. as the top global producer of energy.

Revitalize American Manufacturing: End the trend of outsourcing and transform the U.S. into a major manufacturing hub.

Reduce Taxes for Workers: Provide substantial tax cuts for workers and eliminate taxes on tips.

Uphold Constitutional Rights: Protect fundamental freedoms, including freedom of speech, religion, and the right to bear arms.

Promote Global Stability: Work to prevent major conflicts, restore peace in Europe and the Middle East, and create a strong national missile defense system.

Prevent Government Abuse: End any misuse of governmental power against citizens.

Combat Crime and Drug Trafficking: Tackle crime, dismantle drug cartels, and address gang violence while focusing on holding violent offenders accountable.

Revamp Urban Areas: Rebuild and beautify cities, including Washington D.C., to enhance safety and livability.

Enhance Military Strength: Modernize and strengthen the military to ensure it remains the best force across the globe.

Preserve the U.S. Dollar’s Status: Maintain the U.S. dollar as the world’s primary reserve currency.

Protect Social Security and Medicare: Safeguard Social Security and Medicare benefits with no reductions or changes to retirement age.

Reconsider Vehicle Regulations: Cancel the electric vehicle mandate and reduce unnecessary regulatory burdens.

Limit Federal Funding for Controversial Content: Cut federal funding for schools that teach divisive or inappropriate content. This includes radical gender ideology along with other inappropriate content on children.

Ensure Fair Competition in Sports: Keep men out of women’s sports to ensure fair competition.

Address Extremist Views on Campus: Remove pro-Hamas extremists from colleges and restore a safe, patriotic environment.

Secure the Election Process: Strengthen election security with measures like same-day voting, voter ID, and paper ballots.

Achieve National Success: Unite the country and drive new levels of success and progress.
3/18 c26 Guest
This better be the movie that us coming g out soon. It was good really good I couldn't put it down. It made me laugh it got tears I'm my eyes I was on the edge of my seat. And for the longest time I could not bring words to this short wow
12/11/2023 c7 2Muziccat91
cute, so very cute
4/27/2022 c13 Guest
huy caray
4/27/2022 c12 Guest
cielos que sustote se llevo el zorro
4/27/2022 c11 Guest
que demonios un micro queee ja nick estara ta celoso jaja judy haciendo cosas grandiosas sin su presencia
4/27/2022 c10 Guest
hay tengo habre papas pollito aaa chicharón salsa picante carne de res picante aaa
4/26/2022 c9 Guest
si la maldita evidencia salta a la vista jaja pero si aveces hay cosas y no hay nada jaja pero bueno las madres pueden originar que uno note mucho mas allì
4/26/2022 c8 Guest
huy problemas
4/26/2022 c7 Guest
maldita evidencia
4/26/2022 c6 Guest
creo que no volvere a ver a la leche igual
4/26/2022 c5 Guest
jaja las madres son realmente como sabuesos
4/26/2022 c4 Guest
si dices unos minutos y sas te das cuenta son horas
4/26/2022 c3 Guest
genial despertó el radar mamá
4/26/2022 c2 Guest
la acción siempre los ersigue sin escape
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