Just In
for akame ga power

10/25/2017 c1 MUTO TOHO
Omni-ranger? now you know he's serious, he just put omni in front of that shit, that's how serious it is.
9/3/2017 c1 CrimsonRose268
While I like how someone made a Power Rangers Akame ga kill there is a few problems some text in your story don't match but do match another person's story Nightstalker 33's psycho remnant. The talk between your oc and najenda was ripped directly from the talk with ozpin.
6/28/2017 c3 24DeadProductions
This is pretty good!
2/25/2017 c1 VSX-2018
I'm sorry, but it's not good. Nearly unreadable. Some good effort though.

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