Just In
for Name Of The Game

12/11/2020 c2 Malalala11
It’s very nice story. Interesting one. Are you not updating this story anymore?
1/21/2019 c2 missyrod
Hey I love this story please update soon
12/19/2018 c1 3nikanaka
Okay okay. This fic is really catching to be honest. In two chaps you gave me anxious to know what’s coming next! But I’m sad that you haven’t update in almost 2 years T.T
I WISH you can back here any time soon, fortunately, another review here will give energy to keep writing it... because I can’t wait to read it!
Have a good day! :D
11/3/2017 c2 1iSelenurStylesFantasy
Im seriously in love with the story's plot and the way that you're developing it. I hope you continue bc it is for sure a great fic, with only two chapters you got us completely expectating!
2/12/2017 c1 Guest
Keep up the good work! Really like this story so far. Looking forward to the next chapter. :)
2/5/2017 c2 3Yamora Love n Friendship
It's always great to have a friend like taichi. Mimi is the original valley girl voice lol can't wait for her appearance. Sora and Taichi's back and forth was entertaining. Can't wait for the next chapter :)
1/27/2017 c2 98SkuAg
Nice! I like when Taichi is still her best friend, even in AUs. I'll look forward for your update!
1/22/2017 c1 SkuAg
Hi! This looks interesting. Your writing is very good and the story could be veeeery interesting, so I hope you'll update soon. I really liked what you said about focusing on Sora's career!
1/20/2017 c1 3Yamora Love n Friendship
I feel bad for sora she should just tell him. Yamato is being selfish. Great job and can't wait for the next chapter :)

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