Just In
for Steven Universe in A Blast From The Past

4/30/2017 c5 3That Forerunner
Awesome story, will there be a sequel?
4/29/2017 c5 39mon-ra
Interesting counter view points from both Rose and Alena. Can't wait to see what she plans to do with the Rubies or is she just keeping them as guinea pigs? Looking forward to your next story.
4/29/2017 c5 35KimDWil71
Very good chapter.
Will there be more to this?
4/29/2017 c5 18Timbuk1
I guess one of your future stories might be an alternate war for WWII.
4/9/2017 c4 39mon-ra
Can't help but think that Alena might have jumped the gun here. Still that's a cool battle suit. Maybe she can have a hall of armor, like Iron Man, with different armors designed to counter each of the Gems. I'd have to agree with Pearl. Rose suddenly wanting a baby after that ordeal is really out there, to put it mildly.
4/9/2017 c4 35KimDWil71
Very good chapter. A lot of drama!
4/9/2017 c4 18Timbuk1
Of course, this can prove to me, at least until the next chapter comes along, that Rose's plan didn't fully work, as Rose never told the Gems about her problems, fearing that they would leave her, or whatever worse thing I could think of that's expressed by films like Silence directed by Martin Scorsese, distributed by Paramount Pictures, and starring Andrew Garfield, Adam Driver, Liam Neeson, among others.
4/9/2017 c4 35CMR Rosa
Amazing the battle was amazing.
3/10/2017 c3 35KimDWil71
Very good.
3/10/2017 c3 39mon-ra
I'd like to see Snazzy Cat. And wow Alena is well informed. Can't wait to see what happened at the kindergarten.
2/14/2017 c2 18Timbuk1
I'll wait for the next one.
2/14/2017 c2 39mon-ra
Okay you know something is wrong when a complete stranger offers to buy you a room. Then again Greg is not the kind of guy to turn down a free gift. Can't wait ti see what happens when Alena meets Rose.
2/14/2017 c2 35KimDWil71
Very good chapter!
1/25/2017 c1 KimDWil71
Very good. Can't wait to read more.
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