Just In
for The bravest

4/3/2021 c1 nunes
Obrigada por postar essa linda história
10/27/2020 c5 3AliceBridger
I'm pretty sure he said it correctly when he said "You could help me, Sirius and Peter." She corrected him incorrectly! Smartest witch of her generation, yeah right.
8/26/2020 c1 Guest
hope you update it someday. It's too good to be abandoned
8/19/2020 c2 Pauba
I hate Lily
8/4/2020 c5 Camila
Vai ter continuação
11/13/2019 c1 Guest
amazing! please please please update!
6/14/2018 c1 15alter321
hola! empecé a leer tu fic y me encantó este primer capítulo. Ya sabés que estoy muy a favor de la idea del sacrificio y que el uso de la magia no es gratuito, no sólo se trata de un chasquido de dedos. Seguiré leyendo. Gracias por una historia tan emocionante. Besos
4/29/2018 c5 7GeekOfManyForms
1/1/2018 c5 VioletBuckbeak
I really hope Hermione and reign on the mauraders. Their bullying is tiresome. Remus recieving detention is a bit out of line. He isnt a prefect yet. It is not his job to curtail the actions of others. Lily needs to get her act together. Hatred of a classmate that outperforms you is ridiculous. I get she is a child but that is petulant.

I really hope you continue this. It's a good story.
1/1/2018 c4 VioletBuckbeak
She remembered what?! Ahhh only 1 chapter left to read! This is so good. Please tell me not eod still to come! Please?
1/1/2018 c1 VioletBuckbeak
Wow, what a start! Great job!
11/15/2017 c5 Guest
I know it's been 7 months but I hope you return to the story!
6/2/2017 c5 Alexa SixT
Can't wait for the next chapter! Please update soon
6/2/2017 c5 7GaaraRules29
Amazing, I'm so glad that I have this a try, I normally don't like reading time travel because they all seem to turn out the same, but I'm happy to see that this is different, you've done a great job, and I'm excited for more!
5/13/2017 c5 35bridgetlynn
This is awesome. I've got a weakness for time-travel stories but they never seem to do anything different - this is different. :)
Hermione's my favorite. Hermione and Sirius is my absolute favorite of all the potential pairings for her as well. They're a very 'opposites attract' on the outside - but their core personality is true loyalty and that's why they work. Looking forward to seeing how this goes.

Oh! And thank you for not making Lily Evans the picture perfect sainted figure that both canon and fandom have decided she is. There's enough hints in canon that tell me she was probably more likely the Regina George of Hogwarts then some Mother Teresa clone. She might be described as beautiful, smart and super-nice. But that's always by people who were friends with her.
Yet, her SISTER is Petunia Dursley. She grew up in the same household, under the same parents and examples that produced Petunia Dursley. And there is definitely something to be said for "nurture" in a child's development (even if Lily was the 'nicer' of the two).
Looking at Lily's characterization through a more critical eye and she comes across as a lot less nice. Instead she comes across as overly stubborn and controlling. She basically drops her sister the second she finds someone who can also do magic (well before Hogwarts). She decides she hates James Potter immediately for no real reason at all (especially considering he's an 11 year old male). And doesn't let up on that hate-on until after she drops her supposed best friend like a bad habit because he says something it a fit of embarrassment and anger (embarrassment that she obviously made worse by being a girl saving him). I always figured she was looking for a reason to end her friendship with Severus and he gave her the perfect opening. Then she proceeds to marry someone she despised for 7 years about 5 minutes after she graduates from Hogwarts - perfect timing to sort of protect her muggleborn self by marrying into an old Pureblood family at the height of a war.
So I can absolutely see her despising Hermione completely - especially if Hermione is better then she is at magic.
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