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for The Swallow and the Dragon

8/19 c22 guest
this 200 year old pedo keeps acting like hes a young boy in love
8/19 c11 guest
who does he he think he is telling her what to do? the little bitch should just bow down to her after that beatdown he took from her, black mage more like the little weakling
8/17 c1 Binge Reader
A few things:
1. The meaningless POV changes are annoying. Do you even understand the concept of POV? You keep writing the story from the omniscient narrator's viewpoint. There is no POV change at all.
2. Are you a SIMP or a retard? I prefer you to be the latter, of course. My retarded bros are fun to hang around. With that said, if you are the latter, I don't think you should write. Even retards don't enjoy what they write most of the time.
8/14 c4 1themadmartian
Isn't it amazing that the "Flamers" are either to gutless to use their Username or have used their Username but have never tried to write a single sentence.
I really appreciate the time and effort you have put into writing this story.
Don't get discouraged by their prattle, they aren't worth it.
If I may make a suggestion, go to your Fanfiction settings and block "guest " reviewers. You also have, I believe, 36 hours to remove any reviews that you deem offensive.
8/12 c18 Guest
1 week to one town, 2 weeks to the next. Multiple side quests. Instead of 10 seconds to be either in her presence or hot on the trail. 100 plus years of extreme preparation and now she's finally arrived he's not even trying to get serious about helping her. Apparently while he dilly dallies around for 3 or 4 weeks she is being pursued by a pack of killers and is in constant immediate peril. Shakes head sadly. What is lower than Dunderhead?
8/12 c17 Guest
Since you're going to take a few days to get to Novigrad... Dunderheads! Harry has gone to extremes yet he will waste days when Ciri could be killed any second rather than inconvenience her psuedo father for a few seconds? And he's not even going to go personally to . help her? He's going after some random people immediately. Well, not immediately. He's going to loaf around all evening and get around to it tomorrow. Keep in mind they were already starting out on horseback to rescue random persons 1 and 2. Yet when they find out where Ciri is they suddenly need to call off rescuing her until they chatted, rested and travelled several unnecessary days. Yeah l, I know, it's necessary for the story...but still...
8/12 c7 Guest
Monologuing? Nasty habit he picked up from Voldemort.
8/9 c30 OneOfAvarice
Saw the story in another stories intro that I randomly found and can say I am extremely glad I decided to check it out. Absolutely amazing story with a pairing I never thought of but came to love. Amazing job
7/18 c8 Oddballzebra
The writing for this fic is bad.
6/18 c30 BillBrink
Thank you for sharing such an unusual and well written work with us.
6/5 c17 Guest
I am really trying to like this story, but for some reason I find it exhausting, while trying to slog my way to finish it.
6/2 c8 prinzjay1998
I see. So that's why the author forced a capture into Harry. It's the only way he gets him out of the way so that canon can occur. It's kinda pathetic ngl. Why even introduce a foreign character into the canon if you're going to make said foreign character irrelevant? Your writing plus canon equals canon. Which means your writing has the value of zero because zero plus canon equals canon. Mathematically, your hundreds of thousands of words worth of writing only amounted to zero. Nothing. You wrote nothing. That's how useless a writer you are. Why even write?

Dropping this. Can't believe I wasted my time on what I thought would be a good read.
6/2 c7 prinzjay1998
Bruh. Wtf is this? Guy wasn't even a hard opponent for Harry that the latter needed all his attention. How can Harry not sense someone from behind him? Also, no automatic shield charm after centuries of study in magic? Wtf kind of writing is this?
6/2 c6 prinzjay1998
Ngl those are some very contrived reasons for Harry to not interfere with canon.
5/2 c7 1jiromanawari
are you telling me after centuries of living as a mage, he has not once learned about situational awareness? what the fuck is this
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