Just In
for Mad Max: The Lost Warrior

9/18 c20 Trollbobo
Glad to help pointed it out for you. At least you know what to change in the rewrite. lol

That being said, take as much time as you need. It's better to work things out and making sure that it makes sense storywise rather than being a rushed mess that adds random nonsense like so many certain fanfics do. So yeah, take as much time as you need for your rewrite.
8/22 c20 4Stormrunner74
My Guy, good to see you once again
6/17 c16 Trollbobo
Yeah, them not trusting Cayden and only Cayden felt way too forced. If they don't trust men then how come they don't do the same with Max and Nux? It felt rather stupid if that was the case. Had it been for another reason, then it would have made for sense for them for not trusting Cayden only (like Cayden did something to them in the past or something would have made a better reason than simply "Don't trust men BS").
6/11/2020 c17 SoundlessPlum
Mate I’d be so down to see some more of this story and seeing what spin you out on it. I’ll happily wait for the day this appears in my updates.
6/10/2020 c17 103Razell
Do what you need to do, and take all the time you need. This is a great story, but real life is important too. It's better to put things on hold than trying to write when distracted or disintrested and coming with something you're not happy with.

I hope your book does well!
7/31/2019 c1 1ZaphodDude
This is a brilliant story one that i hope gets the attention it needs to be finished someday. Love how youve played it out and the character developments that are being made, easily one of the more thought out stories on here.
4/17/2018 c16 10PorousBubbles
It's been over a year since you've updated this story, when are you going to release a new chapter? I want to see how this plays out.
11/14/2017 c16 Crazy Redwood
I really enjoy your story. You're doing a good job of injecting your own oc without mucking up the overall story, which I like. This little budding relationship is cute, too. I'm so incredibly excited for the grand final chase. I do hope they get a happily ever after. Or maybe Cayden stays on the rig and barely survives the crash, having to fight his way across the desert to Toast? Either way, I'm sure it'll be fun and exciting. Your writing is improving as the story progresses too, not that it was bad to begin with, but it is improving. Keep writing and it can only get better!
9/7/2017 c16 103Razell
I've already expressed my opinion on the Vuvalini, so there's no need to do so again.

So Joe had both Cayden's real family and his adoptive family murdered? The big man they mentioned who killed Ella, was it Rictus?

The Plains of Silence. I like that. Australia is a big place, and even in RL much of it is harsh and unforgiving. I think the the Crack in the Earth in 'Beyond Thunderdome' was the only really pleasant spot shown in any of the movies after the first. Those kids were insanely lucky to have crashed right next to a virtual paradise in the middle of the desert. I don't see how the ones who left survived in the ruins of, I think it was Sydney. I say Scrooloose is a runaway or abandoned War Pup lucky enough to find safety until proven otherwise.

Cayden's plan was pretty smart, if suicidal. But it seems Toast loves his life more than he does. We are often our own worst critics, judging ourselves harshly for things beyond our control. If he had been at the junkyard, he'd have made no difference, he would have died and everyone else would have died anyway. But he can't see that. Or, maybe he wishes he had died there.

I understand needing time to complete a project. I've been struggling with writer's block for months. The worst part is, the story I was working was about two chapters from being finished!
7/28/2017 c15 Razell
Yeah, groups tend to die out real quick when the entire bunch is made up of one sex. That's one thing I hated about the movie, the fact that men are depicted as responsible for ALL of the bad things in the world. Women are just as capable of being sadists, sociopaths, tyrants, war-mongers, and murderers. Many countries are headed by female politicians, and almost all nations have women in high positions of power, key policy makers who would have been instrumental in causing the apocalypse. Women have been involved in the development of everything from chemical and biological weaponry to nuclear bombs. Yet it's men who 'killed the world'.

Anyway, Cayden was hit pretty bad, in a better world he'd need to rest for a few days at least to make sure that his stitches don't tear, but he doesn't have that luxury. They're being chased by two truly evil men and their army of brainwashed fanatics. I think you mentioned in an earlier chapter that the War Boys aren't actually Evil, they've been raised as living weapons and have never had any exposure to the concept of right and wrong beyond what Joe says. Another story called them 'innocent monsters', a fair term. They may do horrible things, but they don't know that what they are doing is wrong. But Joe and the People Eater, (Bullet Farmer being dead now), know exactly what they're doing, and I can't forgive that.

Cayden and Toast are growing closer and closer, and they've started confiding in each other about their personal sufferings. They trust each other, an important step in any relationship. This is coming along quite nicely.
7/10/2017 c14 7RedHood001
Please don't let Nux die. Or at least make him survive the crash somehow.
6/12/2017 c14 5Re Lupa
Hi there! I'm enjoying your story, loving the characterization and the depth of your OC's personality. I know how hard it is to get this just right.

I'd like to read more about Max and maybe some friendship budding between him and Cayden. Also, spoilers to whoever's reading this who hasn't seen the movie, perhaps you could expand on the ending and show how the Citadel becomes something amazing. A real beginning to a new world

Hope to read more! And good luck with your assignments! Bless xx
5/23/2017 c13 103Razell
How old was Cayden when he lost everything? He doesn't seem to know about feelings that most parents would have explained to their children...

Nux is helping!

The Bullet Farmer was literally firing blind in the film, was he blinded here as well? He was a tough old man, that's for sure, not fat and soft like Joe or the People Eater.

Love is in the radioactive air... Toast and Cayden.

You write in such a beautifully descriptive way that I can't do it justice by way of comments. You're a very gifted, talented writer and I enjoy your work.

; )
5/13/2017 c12 Razell
If I had to place blame, I'd say Max was responsible. He's the one who shot Angharad in the leg, though his sanity was arguable at that point.

Joe died far too quickly, he deserved to suffer. For all the people he'd raped and killed, for all the kids he brainwashed into kamikaze fanatics. He was a stain on the universe.

Have you read any of the prequel comics? I read the one about Nux and Immortan Joe, but there were a couple more.
5/7/2017 c11 Razell
Did the Rock Riders know that Furiosa was acting against Joe? If not, they took a very stupid risk attacking the War Rig. They seem to rely on the Citadel for supplies, and Joe could easily wipe them off the map. Of course it was in the film, so I'd have to ask the screenwriter...

When you said that one of Joe's sons had jumped in front of him I thought you were speaking literally and they'd gotten Rictus. Sadly, it was just some poor deluded War Boy.

I was surprised you had Angharad die, but it's necessary for the story, like you said.
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