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for A Grimm's Handler

8/7/2017 c5 Cinnabon68
I've really grown to like Ethan a lot, was pleasantly surprised by his semblance. It's nice to see an OC that has a their own role and isn't just there. Liked how you incorperated him into RWBY, that was creative.

As for romance, I personally feel like Ruby is too childlike for romance. I'd go with Weiss.
8/7/2017 c5 Lelouch of Zero
First off, the teams went a different direction than I thought they would and I enjoy a good plot twist. Second, that's a really cool semblance, Ethan just got 5x more interesting. I'm looking forward to learning about his past and seeing how well he fits in with his new team. As to your question, that's difficult to answer as he hasn't known any of them for more than a day. Personally, I think Weiss would be good since they currently have negative friendship status and it would be interesting to see that turn around as they get to know eachother. Looking forward to the next chapter.
8/7/2017 c2 Lelouch of Zero
This is really well done. Too many times OCs get ignored during character introductions just to keep it simple, but I'm glad to see Ethan was blended into the story so well. Also OWWW! That sword to the hand made me cringe in pain for him.
8/7/2017 c5 Guest
Personally I'd go for Ruby
8/6/2017 c5 Guest
I vote for ruby
8/6/2017 c5 Cf96
Cool and ruby
8/6/2017 c5 Professionally Average
Fingers crossed for Ethan X Ruby, sure I'll still read because of a good OC, but still fingers crossed. Loving the story and can't wait for the next chapter.
7/23/2017 c4 ARSLOTHES
looking forward to the next chapter
7/18/2017 c4 Cf96
6/2/2017 c3 12Bomberguy789
Just gonna point out, the bit where you find out John (or was it James?)'s name is mixed up. Is it John, or is it James? And I may as well put this here, in the latest chapter from A tale of a Jade, nearer the beginning it switches to first person.
5/17/2017 c3 Cf96
3/6/2017 c2 Cf96
3/6/2017 c2 4Dr.equinox
Dude. This is pretty nice so far, relatable charachter who dosent over react to everything, talks like a normal person, just not doing much it obvious that hes a special little snowflake. Good on you for making him normalish, i honestly appreciate it.
2/15/2017 c1 Guest
I like the story so far. Will it be like A tale of a Jade, in the sense that there are minor changes to canon, but always the same result (with some extra storyline stuff for the new character)?
2/14/2017 c1 Cinnabon68
I'm really excited for this one! I'm a big RWBY fan and love OC stories so it's two for the price of one. I like Ethan so far and want to find out more about his home life. His meeting with Ruby and Yang was funny.

Although, Ruby saying he was better than vomit boy despite him being nothing but rude to her i thought was weird. And in the beginning it seemed like he was the disgruntled, lone-wolf type from how he talked and dressed. And then at the end seems to have turned aristocratic.

Overall, a good first chapter.
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