Just In
for Perspective

2/26/2017 c1 dpennell007
I'm glad she appreciates how hard he tried. Effort is more appealing than experience in my book.
2/18/2017 c1 Nannyjojo
Loved it.
But yeah so true. Lol.
2/18/2017 c1 1jansails
Real Life among the "been in & at it-for the Long Haul".
A reminder of how fiction & movies get it perfect, but life with kids, jobs, & a mortgage means things are messy, chaotic, stressful, boring, repetitive, & spontaneity is a rare event.
Loved the humor & the truth!
2/13/2017 c1 JennBolden9598
I loved this. It's so true, Fanfiction sex sounds awesome but is hard to complete!
2/13/2017 c1 mnnlisa
So true. Loved this story! I hope you continue writing.
2/12/2017 c1 32Sunshine1220
This was fantastic! Great first story! Can't wait to see what you have next for us!
2/12/2017 c1 DICATAKADD
That was great!
2/12/2017 c1 Midnight Cougar
That last line is very true. Great story and entry. I could really relate to these two and what they were going through. Congrats on your win!
2/12/2017 c1 jen5795
I really liked this story, it was very cute and so real.
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