1/29 c7 kingkian098
I would not mind reading more of this. I would like to see narutos' reaction to ms. cake's news
I would not mind reading more of this. I would like to see narutos' reaction to ms. cake's news
9/17/2024 c1 Guest
Do more please
Do more please
8/9/2024 c7 SacredKoopa
Hope this either gets updated or completely revamped at some point, this genuinely a good and interesting read.
Hope this either gets updated or completely revamped at some point, this genuinely a good and interesting read.
9/2/2023 c7 The Druid's Codex
I love this story and not just for the lemons the interactions between characters and the fact you have Naruto as a mini bijuu are amazing I look forward to when you get around to continuing this story.
I love this story and not just for the lemons the interactions between characters and the fact you have Naruto as a mini bijuu are amazing I look forward to when you get around to continuing this story.
6/20/2023 c2 Didi59
La suite please
La suite please
2/9/2023 c7 Salty
Amigo llevo esperando 3 años para el siguiente capitulo, cuando saldra?
Amigo llevo esperando 3 años para el siguiente capitulo, cuando saldra?
1/7/2023 c7 blackfoxx98
Can I adopt this story from you since you haven’t done anything with it since 2019.
Can I adopt this story from you since you haven’t done anything with it since 2019.