Just In
for You Know You're Obsessed With Trolls When

7/14/2023 c1 Dani
I do pretty much all of these, but I also call echoing the " Cloud Guy effect " lol
2/21/2021 c1 18princess mh
I play the movie and soundtrack at the same time every SINGLE day on repeat
5/10/2020 c1 Guest
Yup! I'm obsessed with trolls
10/27/2019 c1 1Trolls n' stuff
Pretty much all of it describes me.
7/30/2019 c1 Michael Furry Fox
How did you-

Okay so in all honesty I don’t like scrapbooking and long hair and bright colors (that much) and haven’t drawn Branch and Poppy (more than once yet) or Cloud Guy (yet) or anyone else (yet) but 90% of these things apply to me.

You know, I couldn’t forgive Creek for the longest time. I hated him. I wanted to punch him. Several times. In a very violent way. But now... I found this fanfic on here (after a week of nonstop reading) and it was kind of an alternate universe fanfic, where Creek kidnapped Branch to get into the ice trolls’ tribe and I forget the name but it’s really good, and when I was done reading I realized that I couldn’t hate Creek anymore. Sure, I still say I don’t like him- I’ve got a reputation, haha. But I forgive him.
5/29/2019 c1 Guest
I can COMPLETELY relate with over half this list. I mean, who doesn't want to run around yelling " THE BERGANS ARE COMING! AHHHH!" And knock stuff over?
1/22/2019 c1 LEDY
Rayos, me identifique completamente con la obsecion con el broppy, tengo 18 años y me encanta esa pelicula 3
5/11/2018 c1 Minecraft dude 1
Most of these are true for me, except I'm not as positive or touchy feely as the trolls XD. but I am obsessed
12/28/2017 c1 Guest
This is literally the story of my life to OMG
10/6/2017 c1 25Link Fangirl01
A large portion of these are stuff I would or already do. But then again, I knew I was obsessed when i watched the movie 8 times in the first week.
7/8/2017 c1 SpaceAutumn
Pretty much every single one of theses. Just after I watched the movie I went out to a shop and "Can't stop the feeling" came on. I was like internally fangirling for a few seconds before tapping my foot and the ground and singing it under my breath.
6/21/2017 c1 Blas
We sang True Colors in choir this year so instend of getting sad I did the sign language cuz we learned that to the song yeah that movie is the bomb
5/4/2017 c1 10BananaQUEEN13
I can't get over how much these descriptions are just so me!
4/28/2017 c1 1kattebak
Ahahahaha! Sooooooooo true ;)
4/12/2017 c1 minecraft dude 1
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