Just In
for The Calling Storm

8/5/2023 c1 3Tony the tired one
Dude decided to create the most interesting DxD story in a decade and dipped out. Unbelievable.

Sasuke sounds different from the last chapter of Naruto which is 100% expected given this is supposed to be The Last version of him and to have Sasuke as the main protagonist in a DxD crossover is always a big improvement over any other fanfic here.

The idea (if it wasn't obvious by my initial comment or the other reviews) is gold covered in diamonds and gives a Hella lot of room to play as you want to. Reincarnations, different worlds and beings who share names with abilities, etc. Only thing it needs to be perfect is a second chapter.

It also opens the imagination and invites you to go wild and creative knowing anything you do will be gold too.

Honestly it's such a shame you dropped this, hopefully someone does something similar in the future and with all the new knowledge about both series (ignoring Boruto Ofc)
4/23/2023 c1 D.E.Sguys2.0
is this ever getting an update, we know you're alive teehee
1/17/2023 c1 curlyboy01
Please update
8/31/2022 c1 Lord.Raven6
Still come back here every once in a while hoping to see a update, but i guess its not ment to be
7/18/2022 c1 25Dantrlan
Amazing, continue plz
4/18/2022 c1 7Aka Daka
It should be a good story but you decided to discontinued this one
8/22/2021 c1 Uday Sra
2/15/2021 c1 WoodenDraconis
I have a question. When is the next update? Cause this was good and really funny. :)
2/4/2021 c1 Hatred and Love
Really sucks to see how one of the coolest idea of a Sasuke story, especially one where he is redeemed, is never getting updated. Heck the idea of a story with the Shinto gods being focused on in a DXD story is really cool.
10/7/2020 c1 inren.bloodstrain
Any update?
6/25/2020 c1 mdey-KK
Really interesting take on having Sasuke in the DxD universe! Not to mention most don't really explore the Shinto side of things despite it being Japan, the home of the Shinto Gods (though this can be chalked up to lack of cannon appearances/information as well as the fact that the series follows Devils not Youkai.) Still amazing though!
2/29/2020 c1 Edgar115
God damn this is a good story but we'll never see the next chapter cuz the author is dead
2/22/2020 c1 anbu31uchiha
when is this update?
9/23/2019 c1 Guest
Can't wait for second chapter
8/5/2019 c1 Guest
This is a very interesting concept and I hope you update this fic soon
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