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for On the Illusion of Might

2/3 c4 Guest
Um, something to note. Only Covenant small craft use impulse drives. Larger ships use repulsor engines, the refueling that the corvette was doing with the LNoS was for its supply of plasma fuel, which is for its weapons.
1/24 c28 Guest
Your version of the council is as stupid as the ones in the game lol I like it.
United We Stand's council is if they actually acted on what they preached. I also like it
Audax Novus' Council is if the council's cowardice was turned up to eleven. Theyre hilariously bad at their job in this one
1/24 c9 1TheMacGuffinMan
1/23 c7 TheMacGuffinMan
1/22 c1 deathsoldierchaos66
Cortana was shut down by the weapon before halo infinite so the banished attacks infinity to get said weapon but fails so they start to take the ring instead and if you payed attention to the story of the game as well as the books you get the rest of the info
1/18 c28 Guest
And that's it. I kept my eyes on the scroll as I kept reading hoping it wouldnt end. The world building was great. The convo in this chapter was especially fun to see, their back and forth mostly. I wish there was more to read. Hungry as the flood for more of this kind of content from you
1/18 c27 Guest
So this is the actual start based on me1..

And Im with you on infinite. It wasnt enough. So I come back to stuff like you guys churn out. They actually feel new and headed somewhere. A shame United we stand stopped. I hope you dont. Im hooked
1/18 c25 Guest
I love the way the story's coming along.
"It's all coming together"
1/14 c9 Guest
Lmao you called it. 343 following their own lore lol. They wrote out warden eternal and atriox just came waltzing in. The guardians are suddenly just gone and not even protecting the halo where cortana was on.
1/13 c6 Guest
Damn. Politics and logistics. I didnt know Id be interested in them this much. Heck I dont even read all that much at all. But ai am loving this.
1/12 c28 Mericore
After a long time I came back to read this great story again. It's one of the best(few) ME/HALO crossovers with excellent writting and no balancing the power dynamics between both universes(ME ships completely steamrolling whatever HALO can throw at them). It's a shame there's still no update after almost a year. I hope you update soon and maybe try to come back to updating more often. And if you really decide to drop this story, could you write a summary of what was supposed to happen in the future?
12/5/2024 c28 1pizzawolf55
I loved your story hope to see more
11/26/2024 c28 Arashi Uzukaze
Reading through all this gave me an interesting perspective. The Cortana in this fic is the real Cortana who discovered the Domain where as in canon/lore, the Cortana of Halo 5 that caused the AI uprising was nothing more than one of her rampant fragments she shed off in Halo 4.

A reddit post said it best about the rampant fragment of Cortana in Halo 5;
Halsey's delusions of grandeur and self importance combined with her ego and love for the Chief, but minus the humanity and sense of perspective.
11/26/2024 c22 Arashi Uzukaze
The fact an online poll led to 2 Executor class Star Dreadnoughts being built is hilarious to me. Between that and a Deathstar (version 1 or 2 is unknown).
10/31/2024 c28 eregion7912
Excellent story and thanks for the update. It is an amazing crossover and I'm looking forward to more.
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