Just In
for All Our Secrets Laid Bare

2/26/2017 c1 makarina
i didn't need to read more then a paragraph to favorite this story , your work is great keep up the good work , I'll wait for the next chapter with enthusiasm
2/26/2017 c1 Justsaying
I enjoyed your fix. It was well written and refreshing. Can't wait till your next post!
2/25/2017 c1 Jenn
It's good but I hope the next one isn't so long. Arnold needs to stop being a pussy and ask her out if he's so worried about Bart.
2/25/2017 c1 6miladyswords
I wanted to be the first to review, but was having trouble logging in. This is a captivating story thus far. I really enjoy reading your previous writings so I am excited you made another fic. Love the Arnold Helga dynamic in this and Arnold's jealousy. Keep up the great work!
2/25/2017 c1 Yali.Page
Great start!
I'm just curious if the story is canon to the shows history such as Helga's past feelings for Arnold and the FTI building and other events?
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