10/19/2020 c31 65Zim'sMostLoyalServant
As always, well worth the wait.
Absolutely epic battle sequence, and loving what Will and Jade's plan turned out to be.
As for the castle side of things, liking how Jackie managed to talk Tristan down. And wonderful cliffhanger with Phobos managing to steal Elyon's powers; looking forward to seeing how the heroes handle that.
Keep up the good work.
Zim'sMostLoyalServant signing off.
As always, well worth the wait.
Absolutely epic battle sequence, and loving what Will and Jade's plan turned out to be.
As for the castle side of things, liking how Jackie managed to talk Tristan down. And wonderful cliffhanger with Phobos managing to steal Elyon's powers; looking forward to seeing how the heroes handle that.
Keep up the good work.
Zim'sMostLoyalServant signing off.
10/14/2020 c30 Guest
Really like your work can't wait for you to introduce Paco and el Toro. Is there anyway that you can make paco get with Irma and jade and have him more than el Toro fanboy like in the original series
Really like your work can't wait for you to introduce Paco and el Toro. Is there anyway that you can make paco get with Irma and jade and have him more than el Toro fanboy like in the original series
7/6/2020 c30 11coolcat12345
First of all, congratulations on all your work. This fic is incredible and your dedication and effort to it is very obvious. Truly you should be proud of yourself. Second, sorry for late comment- had uni and, everything else that prevented me from enjoying this great chapter.
First off, I adored Julian's whole storyline here, how you complicate his character. Burning down the town- full of innocents- full of people deciding to stay ,,neutral''- saving the child- killing the old woman- Raythor sparing his life. The confrontation with Caleb is great, but my favourite is Vathek's, because Vathek understands in part and yet...
I loved Uncle and Yan's part. It starts very fun, what with mahjong and their teasing, and then it turns so tragic with talk of what ifs and youthful mistakes and missed opportunities and ancient regrets...
Nerissa's part is very interesting too. Especially a question about Mage's involvement, really makes me think about how much of tyranny is her fault. I like how you switch between ehr being giddy about, well her evil schemes, and also about Julian. And I know it looks as if she is underestimating Cedric but I am not so sure if she is wholly unaware...
Hay Lin's dream is super interesting, and I can't wait to find what it means. I sort of feel that golden leaved woman is Elyon and boy with mouth instead of eyes Phobos, that old woman with lady's face is Nerissa, snake man Loodmores, the samurai one of Oni, and knight Arthur.
I also loved how you devoted so much of chapter to relationships.
Thanks for writing this, till next time, keep safe!
First of all, congratulations on all your work. This fic is incredible and your dedication and effort to it is very obvious. Truly you should be proud of yourself. Second, sorry for late comment- had uni and, everything else that prevented me from enjoying this great chapter.
First off, I adored Julian's whole storyline here, how you complicate his character. Burning down the town- full of innocents- full of people deciding to stay ,,neutral''- saving the child- killing the old woman- Raythor sparing his life. The confrontation with Caleb is great, but my favourite is Vathek's, because Vathek understands in part and yet...
I loved Uncle and Yan's part. It starts very fun, what with mahjong and their teasing, and then it turns so tragic with talk of what ifs and youthful mistakes and missed opportunities and ancient regrets...
Nerissa's part is very interesting too. Especially a question about Mage's involvement, really makes me think about how much of tyranny is her fault. I like how you switch between ehr being giddy about, well her evil schemes, and also about Julian. And I know it looks as if she is underestimating Cedric but I am not so sure if she is wholly unaware...
Hay Lin's dream is super interesting, and I can't wait to find what it means. I sort of feel that golden leaved woman is Elyon and boy with mouth instead of eyes Phobos, that old woman with lady's face is Nerissa, snake man Loodmores, the samurai one of Oni, and knight Arthur.
I also loved how you devoted so much of chapter to relationships.
Thanks for writing this, till next time, keep safe!
6/15/2020 c30 1Secundum
Just finished this, and it's really good. Could do with a proof reader though, as it seems around chapter 10? onwards some weird words were used.
Just finished this, and it's really good. Could do with a proof reader though, as it seems around chapter 10? onwards some weird words were used.
5/30/2020 c30 nightmaster000
After being busy in real life finally had a chance to properly sit down and enjoy your latest update. As always you don't disappoint with yet another fantastic chapter. :)
Also hard to believe it's been more than three years since you first posted this story, but while i'm not one of the luck ones to have been here reading from the start. I'm happy to have found it later on and become a huge fan/follower of it.
Plus on another note I think you should be proud of the hard work you put into this story and what you've achieved so far with it. :)
Now that aside allow me to focus on this chapter and absolutely loved. As we finally finally get the full both sides story at what happen that faithful night at Carhaiz, and wow it is not pretty.
Because Julian might have been horrified at what they were doing and even saved a certain future shapeshifters life, that still doesn't change it was his call his order that caused all that death and suffering.
I really do love every bit reveled about that night, with my favorite part being it was Raythor who spared Julian. Which really brings everything full circle and acts as a particular knife twist for Caleb. I can only imagine the drama that will ensue when Raythor returns back into the picture, something quite juicy to look forward to without a doubt.
What I find quite interesting is Julian has apparently spent years in the mines trying to justify the Rebellion actions, and still trying to justify it. Something that sure as hell is not going to fly with Caleb with his own open eyes and character growth.
Yes i'm going to guess that Julian and Caleb have a long road to take before their bond is half as strong as it once was, if it ever is again. Because I can't help but get the feeling their's going to be some serious conflicting viewpoint conflict between father and son as the story develops down the road.
Another part I really enjoyed was the little chat between the "Mage" and the Rebellion new prisoner Cedric, which loved every bit on how that played out.
Cedric is doing a brilliant job at presenting himself as merely a opportunist out for himself, and how he called the Mage out like that for not interfering and nipping Phobos threat in the bud was a brilliant touch.
I can't help but get the feeling that while Vathek pays no mind to Cedric words of the Mage desiring the crown out of Weira's control, he might later on next season recall this conversation and give it more thought.
Another that spoke out during this particular scene was the flash of fear Nerissa felt that Cedric might know she's not really the Mage, but she makes mistake in shaking that off as nonsense.
So she walks away from this chat making one of the biggest mistakes any manipulator can make, believing themselves the only player pulling strings in the shadows. Plus I think from this small chat alone we've potentially learned that the Ludmoore family if not aware of the Mage's true identity, are at least aware that she's not the true "Mage".
Something very important to note as it makes you wonder just what else they are aware of, after all knowledge is power.
Another great touch this chapter was what look like the beginning of a potential conspiracy subplot centered around Captain Black. As he receives a package containing all the information Ross gathered, which is such a awesome twist!
I won't lie kicking myself a bit for not realizing or considering that of course Ross would have some kinda of failsafe plan in place for the worst case scenario of his potential death. Which i'm guessing is what happen to him, either that or the Dark Hand working to make him wish he was dead.
I can only wonder what Black will think once he looks through all this information, and if he will be willing to see how deep the rabbit hole goes. It's going to be quite intriguing to see where that particular subplot goes.
On a final note another thing I really enjoyed about this chapter was the focus on various relationships such as Matt & Will, Jackie & Viper, Jade & Irma, etc.
On the third it's great to see them admitting their attraction to each other, but also good to see them being smart about this and addressing the fear of ruining their friendship or the friendship dynamic of their group.
But as the saying goes if you don't take the risk you'll always be wondering what if. So it's great to hear them make plans to try for a relationship after the war against Phobos ends, as that's certainly going to be another treat in season 2 to look forward to.
On Jackie and Viper I think we can now safely say they are official with them apparently even going all the way, you the man Jackie!~ :)
Bottom line love the focus on the romantic relationship side of things, and it will be a pleasure to see how each relationship develops as the story goes on.
Seriously all together start to finish another awesome chapter and always pumped to read more of your work in the future. :)
After being busy in real life finally had a chance to properly sit down and enjoy your latest update. As always you don't disappoint with yet another fantastic chapter. :)
Also hard to believe it's been more than three years since you first posted this story, but while i'm not one of the luck ones to have been here reading from the start. I'm happy to have found it later on and become a huge fan/follower of it.
Plus on another note I think you should be proud of the hard work you put into this story and what you've achieved so far with it. :)
Now that aside allow me to focus on this chapter and absolutely loved. As we finally finally get the full both sides story at what happen that faithful night at Carhaiz, and wow it is not pretty.
Because Julian might have been horrified at what they were doing and even saved a certain future shapeshifters life, that still doesn't change it was his call his order that caused all that death and suffering.
I really do love every bit reveled about that night, with my favorite part being it was Raythor who spared Julian. Which really brings everything full circle and acts as a particular knife twist for Caleb. I can only imagine the drama that will ensue when Raythor returns back into the picture, something quite juicy to look forward to without a doubt.
What I find quite interesting is Julian has apparently spent years in the mines trying to justify the Rebellion actions, and still trying to justify it. Something that sure as hell is not going to fly with Caleb with his own open eyes and character growth.
Yes i'm going to guess that Julian and Caleb have a long road to take before their bond is half as strong as it once was, if it ever is again. Because I can't help but get the feeling their's going to be some serious conflicting viewpoint conflict between father and son as the story develops down the road.
Another part I really enjoyed was the little chat between the "Mage" and the Rebellion new prisoner Cedric, which loved every bit on how that played out.
Cedric is doing a brilliant job at presenting himself as merely a opportunist out for himself, and how he called the Mage out like that for not interfering and nipping Phobos threat in the bud was a brilliant touch.
I can't help but get the feeling that while Vathek pays no mind to Cedric words of the Mage desiring the crown out of Weira's control, he might later on next season recall this conversation and give it more thought.
Another that spoke out during this particular scene was the flash of fear Nerissa felt that Cedric might know she's not really the Mage, but she makes mistake in shaking that off as nonsense.
So she walks away from this chat making one of the biggest mistakes any manipulator can make, believing themselves the only player pulling strings in the shadows. Plus I think from this small chat alone we've potentially learned that the Ludmoore family if not aware of the Mage's true identity, are at least aware that she's not the true "Mage".
Something very important to note as it makes you wonder just what else they are aware of, after all knowledge is power.
Another great touch this chapter was what look like the beginning of a potential conspiracy subplot centered around Captain Black. As he receives a package containing all the information Ross gathered, which is such a awesome twist!
I won't lie kicking myself a bit for not realizing or considering that of course Ross would have some kinda of failsafe plan in place for the worst case scenario of his potential death. Which i'm guessing is what happen to him, either that or the Dark Hand working to make him wish he was dead.
I can only wonder what Black will think once he looks through all this information, and if he will be willing to see how deep the rabbit hole goes. It's going to be quite intriguing to see where that particular subplot goes.
On a final note another thing I really enjoyed about this chapter was the focus on various relationships such as Matt & Will, Jackie & Viper, Jade & Irma, etc.
On the third it's great to see them admitting their attraction to each other, but also good to see them being smart about this and addressing the fear of ruining their friendship or the friendship dynamic of their group.
But as the saying goes if you don't take the risk you'll always be wondering what if. So it's great to hear them make plans to try for a relationship after the war against Phobos ends, as that's certainly going to be another treat in season 2 to look forward to.
On Jackie and Viper I think we can now safely say they are official with them apparently even going all the way, you the man Jackie!~ :)
Bottom line love the focus on the romantic relationship side of things, and it will be a pleasure to see how each relationship develops as the story goes on.
Seriously all together start to finish another awesome chapter and always pumped to read more of your work in the future. :)
5/20/2020 c30 1W8W
If you didn't expect to put so much time and effort when you started this story than you rather thought that it will fail and you will stop writing or had much less plotlines planed. I am happy that it turns out other way. This fanfic is among best that I have read.
We finally learn whole story of Carhaiz. It is excellent writing. Everything fit nicely and is believable.
Julian main mistakes was too much self-righteousness and not knowing his own man well enough to predict their actions. Even in present he shift blame away from himself. Fortunately there are others that explain to him his mistakes With Caleb first among them. Now question is if he will make use of this lesson or be stubborn fool. If he will not improve I can easily see him joining Nerisa. He don't have much to offer in term of her plan but she obviously is fond of him so she will be delighted if he will join her.
Raythor on the other hand showed himself in very positive light this chapter. It is very likely that after his return heroes will try to talk things out with him but he may be too bitter for this.
Tohru worry about his mother is reasonable. Uncle and Yan Lin talk was really interesting. He was fool because he was to weak, she and other guardians were fool because they lack courage to act.
I like what you do with Jackie and Viper relationship, we see it develop but aren't bored with too much details.
Cornelia have right to be angry about Browns mistakes, what is important that she don't allow this anger to control her, she have it well under control.
Once again Nerissa pride make her overestimate their competence and underestimate how lucky she was. Because those are her thoughts it is truth, she care about Julian.
Cedric is impressive in this chapter. Immediately understand his situation and make most of it. I like his rude demeanor, it shows that while he accepted deal he isn't a fool. I don't remember if Ludmoores knew about Nerissa but his accusation of "Mage" is great. It is something that he could easily deduced from information’s that he officially had. It shows how intelligent he is when even with playing doom he is too intelligent to be pawn. It is true about being a liar nobody believe you when you tell truth. That's why masters of half truths and exact words are superior, even if somebody knew that they want to manipulate you, you can't ignore what he have said.
Rest of Ludmoores acknowledge that situation is far from ideal but they were able to find elegant and clever solution that don't sacrifice plan or brother.
Is it caution or arrogance that Nimue refuse to talk to guardians? I wonder who will she ask for help. I assume that cherry tree is a hint but I can't decipher it.
I am surprised by her mentioning eight demon sorcerers, I thought that they were separated by destruction of old world. If they will get involved at some point they will be very confused, especially Shendu.
Captain Black report suggest that Harold plan is working perfectly. So far its effect can be described as a good but I worry that there will be some unpleasant effect in the future.
Quentin Ross borrows best trick of his inspiration but he improve it. Instead of sending journal to random newspaper he gives it to somebody that have competence and motivation to make most from it. What's interesting is fact that Chans were silent about Guardians and rest because they didn't want Black superiors learning about this. So if Captain will stop trust his own superiors and go with this journal to Chans I see no reason to not enlighten him. It would be funny if he think that they are completely outgunned only to learn that there is interdimensional police and whole kingdom that may help.
Not much action with Drago. He learn about being imprisoned on Meridian and recovers strength. Most interesting part is him being called half-demon, I hope that we will learn more about his mother in future.
Archduchess and nobles in general have the same problem that rebellion did before Caleb understood truth. They think that they are bastion of good and righteousness and anybody disagreeing with them is bad. Her rage about her daughter being raped is perfectly normal and understandable but she didn't care when who knew how many normal people suffered. What's more she don't care about offender, she want to attack rebellion as a whole without even attempting to find guilty for more personal revenge. She will also not care that leader of the rebellion have executed responsible person for this crime. I don't say that her eyes can't be open on truth but I doubt that will happen before somebody kick her ass. With how she fight as a normal human and how deadly she is I would love her fight with Jackie.
Lothar one man at kingdom forces that we knew understand truth. Last words to the widow are excellent. I can easily see him and Caleb sitting at negotiation table. They both understand that world is gray and want good of the people.
Will and Matt moment was sweet. There is no such thing as cheating in real fight Will. There is only victory and defeat because there is no rules. You don't have to use low blows but if you think that opponent will not use them than you aren't a warrior but an amateurs. I wonder if this sparring will be important later. For example if he will become Shagon, it could allow for faster identification.
Taranee spending time with her brother is nice way for her to unwind. Cornelia interactions with Lillian will most likely have big aftereffect in future.
Cornelia interactions with Lillian will most likely have big aftereffect in future. I wonder if she will discover her older sister secret. Flower will obviously become important later but was it Cornelia, Lillian or somebody else.
Phobos madness have really developed but I am surprised that he have some soft spot for Roberta.
Elyon finally stopped being gullible but she is very inexperienced in this "game" so she may easily fall in troubles.
Wolf shapeshifter is aware of her strengths and weaknesses and seeks to improve. I wonder if she will find a way to better intertwine different aspects of her power. Irma and Jade have finally admitted they feelings to each other but reasonably want to wait for this war to end. Of Course most likely they will start relationship after Phobos defeat but before Knights of Vengeance enter the picture so they will not avoid complications.
Dream is definitely big foreshadowing and really important but I have no idea how to decipher it. Oh well, I will simply have to wait for future chapters.
While there wasn't any serious fights in this chapter it wasn't flaw, everything was really pleasant to read and there were some important development. Like they say "Calm before the storm".
If you didn't expect to put so much time and effort when you started this story than you rather thought that it will fail and you will stop writing or had much less plotlines planed. I am happy that it turns out other way. This fanfic is among best that I have read.
We finally learn whole story of Carhaiz. It is excellent writing. Everything fit nicely and is believable.
Julian main mistakes was too much self-righteousness and not knowing his own man well enough to predict their actions. Even in present he shift blame away from himself. Fortunately there are others that explain to him his mistakes With Caleb first among them. Now question is if he will make use of this lesson or be stubborn fool. If he will not improve I can easily see him joining Nerisa. He don't have much to offer in term of her plan but she obviously is fond of him so she will be delighted if he will join her.
Raythor on the other hand showed himself in very positive light this chapter. It is very likely that after his return heroes will try to talk things out with him but he may be too bitter for this.
Tohru worry about his mother is reasonable. Uncle and Yan Lin talk was really interesting. He was fool because he was to weak, she and other guardians were fool because they lack courage to act.
I like what you do with Jackie and Viper relationship, we see it develop but aren't bored with too much details.
Cornelia have right to be angry about Browns mistakes, what is important that she don't allow this anger to control her, she have it well under control.
Once again Nerissa pride make her overestimate their competence and underestimate how lucky she was. Because those are her thoughts it is truth, she care about Julian.
Cedric is impressive in this chapter. Immediately understand his situation and make most of it. I like his rude demeanor, it shows that while he accepted deal he isn't a fool. I don't remember if Ludmoores knew about Nerissa but his accusation of "Mage" is great. It is something that he could easily deduced from information’s that he officially had. It shows how intelligent he is when even with playing doom he is too intelligent to be pawn. It is true about being a liar nobody believe you when you tell truth. That's why masters of half truths and exact words are superior, even if somebody knew that they want to manipulate you, you can't ignore what he have said.
Rest of Ludmoores acknowledge that situation is far from ideal but they were able to find elegant and clever solution that don't sacrifice plan or brother.
Is it caution or arrogance that Nimue refuse to talk to guardians? I wonder who will she ask for help. I assume that cherry tree is a hint but I can't decipher it.
I am surprised by her mentioning eight demon sorcerers, I thought that they were separated by destruction of old world. If they will get involved at some point they will be very confused, especially Shendu.
Captain Black report suggest that Harold plan is working perfectly. So far its effect can be described as a good but I worry that there will be some unpleasant effect in the future.
Quentin Ross borrows best trick of his inspiration but he improve it. Instead of sending journal to random newspaper he gives it to somebody that have competence and motivation to make most from it. What's interesting is fact that Chans were silent about Guardians and rest because they didn't want Black superiors learning about this. So if Captain will stop trust his own superiors and go with this journal to Chans I see no reason to not enlighten him. It would be funny if he think that they are completely outgunned only to learn that there is interdimensional police and whole kingdom that may help.
Not much action with Drago. He learn about being imprisoned on Meridian and recovers strength. Most interesting part is him being called half-demon, I hope that we will learn more about his mother in future.
Archduchess and nobles in general have the same problem that rebellion did before Caleb understood truth. They think that they are bastion of good and righteousness and anybody disagreeing with them is bad. Her rage about her daughter being raped is perfectly normal and understandable but she didn't care when who knew how many normal people suffered. What's more she don't care about offender, she want to attack rebellion as a whole without even attempting to find guilty for more personal revenge. She will also not care that leader of the rebellion have executed responsible person for this crime. I don't say that her eyes can't be open on truth but I doubt that will happen before somebody kick her ass. With how she fight as a normal human and how deadly she is I would love her fight with Jackie.
Lothar one man at kingdom forces that we knew understand truth. Last words to the widow are excellent. I can easily see him and Caleb sitting at negotiation table. They both understand that world is gray and want good of the people.
Will and Matt moment was sweet. There is no such thing as cheating in real fight Will. There is only victory and defeat because there is no rules. You don't have to use low blows but if you think that opponent will not use them than you aren't a warrior but an amateurs. I wonder if this sparring will be important later. For example if he will become Shagon, it could allow for faster identification.
Taranee spending time with her brother is nice way for her to unwind. Cornelia interactions with Lillian will most likely have big aftereffect in future.
Cornelia interactions with Lillian will most likely have big aftereffect in future. I wonder if she will discover her older sister secret. Flower will obviously become important later but was it Cornelia, Lillian or somebody else.
Phobos madness have really developed but I am surprised that he have some soft spot for Roberta.
Elyon finally stopped being gullible but she is very inexperienced in this "game" so she may easily fall in troubles.
Wolf shapeshifter is aware of her strengths and weaknesses and seeks to improve. I wonder if she will find a way to better intertwine different aspects of her power. Irma and Jade have finally admitted they feelings to each other but reasonably want to wait for this war to end. Of Course most likely they will start relationship after Phobos defeat but before Knights of Vengeance enter the picture so they will not avoid complications.
Dream is definitely big foreshadowing and really important but I have no idea how to decipher it. Oh well, I will simply have to wait for future chapters.
While there wasn't any serious fights in this chapter it wasn't flaw, everything was really pleasant to read and there were some important development. Like they say "Calm before the storm".
5/19/2020 c30 15Vanessa Masters
Oooh! Hay Lin having prophetic dreams, of sorts.
All these phases, I wonder how they'll clash?
If Cedric does get killed, how will that effect Charles?
Ooooh~ allies?
Hmmm~ 'Not fresh?'
Oh Nimue, are you going to dig up a corpse of some vampire, or something?
"The butterfly sorceress?" Nimue face palms. "I suppose, it's better than Tramp, or other things I've been called."
And the cherry seed, neat.
Ooooh! The Dark Mother, Meter?
Oooh! Hay Lin having prophetic dreams, of sorts.
All these phases, I wonder how they'll clash?
If Cedric does get killed, how will that effect Charles?
Ooooh~ allies?
Hmmm~ 'Not fresh?'
Oh Nimue, are you going to dig up a corpse of some vampire, or something?
"The butterfly sorceress?" Nimue face palms. "I suppose, it's better than Tramp, or other things I've been called."
And the cherry seed, neat.
Ooooh! The Dark Mother, Meter?
5/17/2020 c30 Z.L.C. genesmith
You know that quote you put at the end of this chapter? After I read it, I realized that it had a few similarities to the explanation Ezio Auditore gives about the second half of the Assassin Brotherhood's Maxim: Nothing is true. Everything is permitted. He gives this explanation right around the end of Assassin's Creed: Revelations, before he enters the tomb of Altair Ibn-La'ahad. Was that deliberate on your part, or was it just a coincidence?
You know that quote you put at the end of this chapter? After I read it, I realized that it had a few similarities to the explanation Ezio Auditore gives about the second half of the Assassin Brotherhood's Maxim: Nothing is true. Everything is permitted. He gives this explanation right around the end of Assassin's Creed: Revelations, before he enters the tomb of Altair Ibn-La'ahad. Was that deliberate on your part, or was it just a coincidence?
5/17/2020 c30 2cpvm
I wonder Caleb is going to forgive Julian when the war is over, I mean there something that he had done wrong but so did Caleb, still, he has changed his mind.
There are some many plans being executed together that it is hard to guess who is going to be successful
As always, it is nice to see an update.
I wonder Caleb is going to forgive Julian when the war is over, I mean there something that he had done wrong but so did Caleb, still, he has changed his mind.
There are some many plans being executed together that it is hard to guess who is going to be successful
As always, it is nice to see an update.
5/17/2020 c30 65Zim'sMostLoyalServant
While it might just be mostly filler, I'm still glad to see an update.
Really liking all the subplots that were advanced, especially Caleb confronting his father, Black getting Ross' journal (it's been too long since Ross was touched on) and Jade and Irma discussing their relationship status.
But what really catches my attention is Hay Lin's prophetic dream. Now, let's see if I can decipher this - the woman on the table is Meridian (?), the eyeless child is Phobos, the old woman with a young face is Nimue, the three-headed snake is the Ludmoore brothers, the samurai is Tarakudo, the knight is Arthur/Harold, and the shadow is the Master of the Cavalcade. The only bit I don't understand is the bat that flew out of the knight's crown. Let me know how accurate I am.
Overall, great bridge between the previous action and the finale. Looking forward to it, but in the meantime stay safe and healthy.
Keep up the good work.
Zim'sMostLoyalServant signing off.
While it might just be mostly filler, I'm still glad to see an update.
Really liking all the subplots that were advanced, especially Caleb confronting his father, Black getting Ross' journal (it's been too long since Ross was touched on) and Jade and Irma discussing their relationship status.
But what really catches my attention is Hay Lin's prophetic dream. Now, let's see if I can decipher this - the woman on the table is Meridian (?), the eyeless child is Phobos, the old woman with a young face is Nimue, the three-headed snake is the Ludmoore brothers, the samurai is Tarakudo, the knight is Arthur/Harold, and the shadow is the Master of the Cavalcade. The only bit I don't understand is the bat that flew out of the knight's crown. Let me know how accurate I am.
Overall, great bridge between the previous action and the finale. Looking forward to it, but in the meantime stay safe and healthy.
Keep up the good work.
Zim'sMostLoyalServant signing off.