Just In
for Hunter's Helper

6/8/2020 c1 5Franki3W
hahaha, freaken LOVE it!
So glad Sam got some too :-D
6/22/2019 c1 38vrskaandrea
Omg, wow.
Not only have I tried (and somewhat failed ) to write something like this, I planned on doing it again, and... It is here. Just like I pictured it.
It was awesome!
But I am still gonna , except it is gonna be a bit of a longer story with backround. And with Dean and a girl of his own.
But yeah, for Sam I imagined it just like this. A girl that is a lot more like his brother, fiesty and direct, and Sam with a big..
Stick. Lol
GreAt job on this one!
6/22/2019 c1 90Blondie 20000
Oh this was hot. I'm gonna need a shower lol. I'm a Dean girl but this was certainly a treat to read. I can actually imagine Sam falling for a girl who is similar to Dean. They say opposites attract lol.

I will go and take that shower now lol ;)
7/23/2017 c1 lolformybigballs
4/18/2017 c1 1lostndessence
Dayum... I was going to write something here but I gotta run to the bathroom. Why do I need the laptop with me? Pfft, its classified.
3/15/2017 c1 5peddlergirl
Wish I had me a Hunter to help! ;-)
3/12/2017 c1 15NightReader22
Oh I love a sexy Sammy story! Great work!
3/8/2017 c1 David
Santa's here!

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