Just In
for You Have But Two Choices

5/28/2017 c6 2MrTwistr
Shit...something tells me this is going to end badly.
5/28/2017 c4 MrTwistr
Yea finally! Zangetsu makes his entrance!
5/28/2017 c2 MrTwistr
Man Aizen is playing Ichigo like a fiddle.
5/28/2017 c1 MrTwistr
Now, this looks interesting.
5/24/2017 c14 sagar hussain
Awesome chapter
5/17/2017 c14 Guest
Really good pls update
5/17/2017 c14 Guest
Please update really good
5/17/2017 c14 Kidzin
Loving it I'm bit worried though, will Ichigo be able to fight Aizen.
5/16/2017 c14 27darkmachines
Hmm, Ichigo and Baraggan team up along with his fraccions and Chad. I like that.

Though... still confused on all the Arrancars number rank from 1 to... how many there are total.
5/16/2017 c13 darkmachines
Oh Yamamoto, you no fun. Maybe because you never found a woman in his youth, he so mad and grumpy all the time.
5/15/2017 c14 4Antex-The Legendary Zoroark
Dun dun dunnn! Looks like things will be falling into place soon! Loved the fight with Grimmjow too by the way!

And over 3,000 views?! Amazing man! Cheers.
5/15/2017 c14 Umbrardor
Thanks for the chapter, can't wait to see everything go to chaos!
5/11/2017 c13 1A-Friend01
Please update soon
5/11/2017 c13 Bhoddisatva
Hah! Isshin would cheer on Ichigo dating a Hollow*!

* Not to say Nel isn't great!
5/10/2017 c13 Kidzin
Yep, Isshin never fails to deliver. So are you implying that Ichigo actually stole money or have i missed something? Then again, i guess there isn't that much of old himself left.
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